GGAA 2011 - Continuous Improvement: Specific Area - Victoria University - Highly Commended

Tags: green gown awards | awards | International | Australasia | Green Gown Awards Australasia | water | 2011 | Victoria

GGAA 2011 - Continuous Improvement: Specific Area - Victoria University - Highly Commended image #1 GGAA 2011 - Continuous Improvement: Specific Area - Victoria University - Highly Commended image #2

Victoria University - Highly Commended

As an educational institution and major water user in the western suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria University has developed a number of initiatives to significantly and continually reduce water consumption across campuses and student accommodation.

For 5 years Victoria University has been delivering water savings across multiple university campuses. Programs to deliver this reduction include sub metering of buildings, equipment to better understand water consumption trends across the organisation, upgrading of infrastructure to more water efficient equipment, and engagement activities to engender support and educate staff, students and the community with the aim to deliver further water reductions at the University. For a four year period from 2006, approximately 76,300 kilolitres of water savings have been achieved. In addition the staff and students showerhead exchange program has delivered a further 2000 kilolitres of water savings per year to the wider community. So a limit of one song per shower please!