Green Gown Awards 2016 – Carbon Reduction – Queen’s University Belfast– Finalist

Tags: sustainability | green gown awards | energy | carbon reduction | ireland | Queen's University Belfast


Green Gown Awards 2016 – Carbon Reduction – Queen’s University Belfast– Finalist image #1 Green Gown Awards 2016 – Carbon Reduction – Queen’s University Belfast– Finalist image #2 Green Gown Awards 2016 – Carbon Reduction – Queen’s University Belfast– Finalist image #3 Green Gown Awards 2016 – Carbon Reduction – Queen’s University Belfast– Finalist image #4 Green Gown Awards 2016 – Carbon Reduction – Queen’s University Belfast– Finalist image #5

Queen’s University Belfast Energy Team

The Queen’s University Belfast Energy Team consists of four people that are a part of the wider Estates Directorate.

Their key objective is to reduce energy usage and carbon emissions across the University, meeting or surpassing those identified within the University’s Carbon Management Plan. This objective is supported at the highest level of the University.

What makes this team award winning is the approach they have adopted which engages stakeholders both internal and external to the University to deliver effective and long lasting solutions. Within the University they have fostered the “living laboratory” concept whereby many of the adopted solutions are also used to support the delivery of high quality research and education.

The Energy Team have made significant savings for the University, these include:

Annual carbon savings of 6,000 tC02 together with annual financial savings of £948k from CHP projects and £466k from smaller projects.

Top 3 learnings

1 It is essential to have a team with the correct skill sets available in house: - strategic, technical and analytical

2 Knowledge about how the estate operates and its utilities related infrastructure is crucial

3 Focus on projects that can subsequently be evaluated and learn from your mistakes and successes.

CO2t Savings: 22,333
Actual/Estimated: Actual
No. of yrs: 6