Fairness and opportunity: A people-powered plan for the green transition

Tags: decarbonisation | climate crisis | green economy

Fairness and opportunity A people-powered plan for the green transition

This final report of the Environmental Justice Commission (EJC) sets out a vision for the future of the UK. Part one defines the shifts needed in the UK’s approach to addressing the climate and nature crises and makes the case for a ‘new social contract’, to deliver a transition that is both rapid and fair. Part two, in five chapters, outlines the practical steps we propose. Each contains proposals on what EJC think needs to be done, when and by whom.

The Environmental Justice Commission was established in May 2019 in recognition that action to address the accelerating climate and nature emergencies can be about more than staving off the worst; it can be about imagining a better world which it can be build together. 

The complete Illustrated Summary Report is available here