Green Gown Awards 2021: Sustainability Institution of the Year - University of St Andrews - Winner

Tags: Green Gown Awards 2021 | University of St Andrews | Sustainability Institution of the Year

Green Gown Awards 2021: Sustainability Institution of the Year - University of St Andrews - Winner image #1 Green Gown Awards 2021: Sustainability Institution of the Year - University of St Andrews - Winner image #2 Green Gown Awards 2021: Sustainability Institution of the Year - University of St Andrews - Winner image #3 Green Gown Awards 2021: Sustainability Institution of the Year - University of St Andrews - Winner image #4 Green Gown Awards 2021: Sustainability Institution of the Year - University of St Andrews - Winner image #5 Green Gown Awards 2021: Sustainability Institution of the Year - University of St Andrews - Winner image #6 Green Gown Awards 2021: Sustainability Institution of the Year - University of St Andrews - Winner image #7

Net Zero 2035: Towards a climate positive future in partnership with our students

In partnership with our students, the University of St Andrews is committed to becoming ‘Net Zero by 2035’ through ambitious governance, innovative technology, and community engagement. To realise this vision, the Principal formed the Environmental Sustainability Board - which engages staff and students from the whole University - and launched the St Andrews Environmental Sustainability Strategy. We are taking a lead by not only working to reduce carbon emissions but also to enhance biodiversity and inspire a circular economy and are doing this with our students and the community. 

This approach produces results. Sustainability is now woven into everything from individual behaviour and choices to campus structure and actions to sequester carbon. We are seeding intergenerational initiatives such as Transition, StACEES, and Eden Campus, these engaging our community in low-carbon living, stimulating research on environmental sustainability, and sourcing renewable energy in innovative ways. Together we champion St Andrews as a sustainable institution. 

Top 3 learnings:

  1. Think broadly and with imagination - sustainability is a part of everything.
  2. Work top-down and bottom-up - and make sure there is a central role for students.
  3. Set bold targets - our actions set the ambitions of others.
