Earth Week 2012

16th April 2012

With Earth Day 2012 approaching, the government’s failure to make any positive movements toward preserving the environment is continually frustrating us. Sunday 22nd April sees Earth Day 2012 which has been created as a platform for individuals to raise their voices and unite for a sustainable future.

Earth Day 2012 will see the environmental movement put forward a bold declaration where it will insist upon a sustainable future for our planet by making Renewable Energy accessible to all. Inspirational leaders, from local through to international will be called upon to help make energy universally accessible.

Throughout April 2012 up until Earth Day itself, Earth Day Network along with its vast array of partners will organize Earth Day events around the globe and run several exciting campaigns. For an insight into these events and campaigns, please click here.

In making one lifestyle change per day this Earth Week, you will be taking a few small steps towards making a real difference. Although we are aware that it will take more than a few simple changes to make a real impression, any small change is a great place to start in our eyes. And in sticking to that change beyond that day, even better! We have come up with a few suggestions on how to make a difference this week:

Monday – Meat free Monday. Skip meat for a day and reduce your carbon footprint

Tuesday – Low power Tuesday. Adjust your computer settings and leave nothing on standby

Wednesday – Wardrobe Wednesday. Rummage through your wardrobe and put some life back into an old item of clothing

Thursday – Print free Thursday. Avoid using your printer for a whole day

Friday – Fair trade Friday. Pop to your local fair trade store and make Friday’s lunch a fair trade one!

Saturday – Sheep-less Saturday. As noticeable from the adjacent image, lamb consumption has the largest carbon footprint of all meats so avoid eating it!

Sunday – Swift shower Sunday. Try not to spend too long in the shower; we are in a drought after all!
Earth Week 2012 image #1