EAUC 2013 Staff Sustainable Christmas Pledges - the follow up

21st January 2014

In December 2013 all EAUC staff took a pledge to be more sustainable this Christmas. Post-celebrations, how well did we do? 

Iain Patton
"I pledge not to pinch so many of the fair trade chocolates in my children’s Christmas stockings as I usually have to go out and buy more which is a waste."

"Given that I started the 5:2 diet on Christmas week (what was that all about!), I was very well behaved indeed (surprisingly)!"

Fiona Goodwin
"I pledge to offset my flights that are taking me for my jungle Christmas adventure – I will donate my offset to support orang-utans in Borneo (which I am hoping to see!)."

"I donated my carbon offset to Semenggoh Wildlife Centre where I was lucky enough to see 4 rehabilitated orang-utans in Borneo. I also did a beach clean to help the local community in dealing with rubbish - mostly plastic bottles - which are washed up by the tide every day."

Lisa Walkley 
"I pledge to use offcuts and unused rolls of old wrapping paper from previous Christmases and birthdays to wrap my gifts!"

"I was very successful in my pledge and didn’t buy ANY additional wrapping paper. I used up all the off cuts from previous years and even wrapped my mum’s birthday present (30 December) in the last of it and explained why it was not birthday themed (which is often a no no for Christmas birthdays!) and she understood and was pleased I didn’t buy wrapping paper just for her. I’ve also collected up a number of gift bags which I can reuse during the year and next Christmas!"

Iain Boyd
“I have challenged some friends who have pledged to only drink organic wine and beer from the local area over Christmas. So no port…."

“We stuck to our organic and local pledge not just for drink but for food as well."

Kate Graham
"I pledge to recycle all of my Christmas cards."

"Took this year’s Xmas cards to the chemist in the village where there’s a recycling box. (Brought in last year’s cards to work for Xmas card-making exercise and took those left with me too.)"

Kate Aubury
"I pledge to send only recycled Christmas cards or e-cards to all my friends and family."

"I was 100% successful, sending e-cards to all friends and family who live elsewhere and using recycled cards sourced from Friends of the Earth for those closer to home."

Abbie Weaver
"I pledge to try and buy sustainably produced toys for my children this Christmas."

"Although I managed to fill my children's Christmas stockings with sustainably produced toys, it was very difficult and very expensive. This is clearly an area that could really benefit from some sustainable development!"

Emma-Louise Aston
"I pledge to make every effort to have as many organic, locally sourced and fair trade food and drink items on my table for Christmas dinner this year."

"This pledge was taken by myself and my Grandma (who cooked a fabulous Christmas dinner for all) the difference was noted by my family and this pledge will continue!" 

Sarah Lee
"I pledge to use the most sustainable modes of transport to prepare for Christmas Day, shopping and visiting this year and to promote active travel."

"I managed all my Christmas lunch and present shopping only using the bus (it was a challenge to carry, but made it) and one car share trip."

Hanna Plant
"I pledge to give presents that are either hand-made or not a consumable item i.e. a contribution to charity or a cool personal experience."

"I organised a craft evening for present making and animal adoption proved a popular gift option!"

View more about our staff members here.
EAUC 2013 Staff Sustainable Christmas Pledges - the follow up image #1