Entrepreneurship in the Green Economy

15th April 2010

Cambridge University 29 April 2010

The UK Government has of late increased its investments in green initiatives as a strategic means of creating sustainable opportunities that will take the UK out of the doldrums. This offers huge opportunities in the green economy to Britain’s entrepreneurs. The upcoming seminar organised by These Young Minds entitled Entrepreneurship in the Green Economy seeks to equip delegates with the skills required thrive in the green economy.

Professor Alan Barrell, Entrepreneur in Residence, from the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning at the University of Cambridge, who will be chairing the event, says: “Innovation and entrepreneurship will be at the heart of the passionate progress needed to take the green economy from dream toward reality. That’s what Entrepreneurs do! So the focus of These Young Minds connecting ‘green needs’ with entrepreneurial passion is a wonderful initiative which I am delighted to support and pleased to be part of’.

The seminar will provide an opportunity to listen to experienced entrepreneurs and leading business organisations to understand how entrepreneurial solutions have the potential to improve people, profit and planet. Trewin Restorick, CEO of Global Action Plan will deliver the keynote speech on entrepreneurship in the green economy. Other speakers at the event will include Darren Strange, Environmental Sustainability Lead at Microsoft, who will highlight how innovative ICT solutions can contribute to ‘greening’ your business. In addition, Sak Nayagam, Accenture’s Climate Change Lead for Europe will talk about identifying the challenges for business in the green economy.

These Young Minds is a service based social enterprise that provides an inclusive platform for stakeholders to learn about corporate responsibility issues through seminars and conferences. We create awareness of the conference deliberations among young people through links with various youth organisations. Alim Abubakre, Founder of These Young Minds says: the seminar on Entrepreneurship in the Green Economy is one of the initiatives aimed at engaging all stakeholders, especially young people, to add value to society by bridging the gap between great ideas and effective actions. This event is sponsored by Microsoft and supported by Policy TV.

When: 29 April 2010, 5:00 – 9:00 PM.
Where: University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, LTO, Trumptington Street, CB2 1TZ

Attendance at the seminar is free. Click here to register. For more information please contact Alim Abubakre at a.abubakre@theseyoungminds.co.uk

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