New support centre launched for participants in Learning in Future Environments (LiFE)

11th February 2013

Following a survey of LiFE participants in 2012, the EAUC are delighted to launch the new LiFE support centre. Participants raised the need for technical guidance documents on how to use the tool such as how to set up users, how to use the system aimed at the LiFE Lead. We also established a need for user support documents such as written guidelines, tips, tools on how to use it - aimed at all LiFE team members.

What LiFE participants will find in the new support centre

In the support centre, participants will find a number of support guides for the main elements of using the system – administrative functions, inputting data and Accreditation. Each section is broken into the main actions participants need to be working on and clearly and simply guide them through the process. Each guide can be downloaded to be sent them to other users in the institution to help them play their part.
The new support centre also links to useful resources on the Sustainability Exchange so if participants are missing vital pieces of evidence and don't know where to start - search the Sustainability Exchange. It has been arranged using the LiFE Index approach of Priority Areas and Frameworks. Its application to the Sustainability Exchange ensures that we are communicating using a common language. This provides consistency, clarity and brings huge benefits to LiFE participants.
Finally, the support centre offers a number of frequently asked questions which we will continually update over time. Participants can also submit a LiFE support request so we can quickly understand any technical issues or any additional support needed.
This development is significant for the LiFE Index to ensure our participants feel supported and make a positive impact on their institution. If you'd like to know more about LiFE you can request a one to one demonstration and we can also give you access to a demo account. Contact us at

Visit the Learning in Future Environments website to find out more
Visit the LiFE Index