Pass it on Week 2015 - new resources available from Zero Waste Scotland

13th February 2015

In the run up to Pass it on Week 2015 (7-15 March) Zero Waste Scotland has produced a number of resources for you to take advantage of during the week. The aim of the week is to encourage people to get involved in re-using as much as possible. It could be through swapping, repairing, upcycling or buying second hand.

All of the resources have been made available online. These include a toolkit and how to guides, which offer ideas for the kind of events you could run as well as how to plan different types of events.

There are also other resources to help you promote your events such as posters and web banners. Make sure you register your event on the Pass it on Week website so people can find out how you are supporting the week and what is happening in their local area.

Visit the Sustainability Exchange to find out more!

Did you catch the EAUC Webinar “The transition to a circular economy: the case of Scotland” which features Zero Waste Scotland? View it here.
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