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Tags: university | change | adaptation | climate | Nottingham | risk | Trent | flood | wallis | barrier | barnes
In August 2014, a removable flood barrier was installed to the entrance of Barnes Wallis, on Shakespeare Street (Nottingham) in response to previous flash flooding incidents. Other NTU buildings located on the City Campus have also been previously affected by flooding, but as Barnes Wallis houses the computer servers for NTU, the barrier was deemed a necessary preventative measure.
The installation of the barrier during a flooding incident is covered by its own Environmental Emergency Procedure located on the University’s EMS. A senor located in the buildings drains triggers an alarm which is linked through to the security control room. Security staff then install the flood barrier, which is located in a cupboard just inside the buildings entrance.
An appropriate training programme was developed to cover this response and is currently delivered by the Security supervisors. This Summer (2019), Severn Trent will be undertaking flood attenuation works to alleviate any further flood issues for this area of the City Campus.
This document was compiled as part of the Climate Change Adaptation Project. Find more information about the project here.
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