Green Gown Awards 2016 – Student Engagement – Glasgow School of Art – Winner

Tags: sustainability | green gown awards | Scotland | Student Engagement | Glasgow School of Art


Green Gown Awards 2016 – Student Engagement – Glasgow School of Art – Winner image #1 Green Gown Awards 2016 – Student Engagement – Glasgow School of Art – Winner image #2 Green Gown Awards 2016 – Student Engagement – Glasgow School of Art – Winner image #3 Green Gown Awards 2016 – Student Engagement – Glasgow School of Art – Winner image #4 Green Gown Awards 2016 – Student Engagement – Glasgow School of Art – Winner image #5

The R A D I A L Project

RADIAL is a collective of creative thinkers from the university community across Glasgow. Students and staff are connected through a shared need to live sustainably. We believe that climate change is a cultural issue connected to inherent values we all hold; we find commonality and connection to tackle these issues, transforming current habits into meaningful habits that will build our sustainable future.

Our core aim is to collectively inspire action towards a zero waste society through the exploration, practice and sharing of ideas that are rooted in the circular economy and resource efficiency. RADIAL focuses on 3 areas: food waste prevention; extended product life cycles and increased recycling.

Highlights include: Engaged with 4000 people at 128 events; created the first cross Glasgow festival celebrating student zero waste action; recruited 117 volunteers who have volunteered 840 hours; diverted 9.1 tonnes of materials/food from landfill and diverted 34.2 tonnes of CO2e from atmosphere.

Top 3 learnings

1 Facilitate space for people to take ownership of the project. This designed approach to engagement ensures people are invested in the process and more likely to pass on learning to others.

2 By ensuring events are diverse and include nourishing food you have the perfect recipe to bring people together!

3 Stay true to your core values and you will gain respect from those around you. We identify with the values of honesty, creativity and being part of nature.

CO2t Savings: 52.9
Actual/Estimated: Estimated
No. of yrs: 2
