Behaviour change: Getting Jeremy Clarkson to drive less

Tags: EAUCConf15 | NUS | SSS15

Behaviour change: Getting Jeremy Clarkson to drive less image #1 Behaviour change: Getting Jeremy Clarkson to drive less image #2

This workshop presentation is from the Student Sustainability Summit 2015, in partnership with NUS and People & Planet, presented by Dr Neil Jennings, Student Switch Off Programme Manager, NUS and Jo Kemp, Green Impact Programme Manager, NUS.

Encouraging people to change their habits is tough. But it’s also really important as over 40% of the UK’s carbon emissions come from direct action taken by individuals – from the energy we use in our homes, to the way we travel and the food we eat. Despite increasing levels of concern with environmental issues, people’s values often don’t translate into meaningful action – the value-action gap. Research suggests that we should look at the value-action gap the other way around – to focus on changing behaviours as a way to soften people’s attitudes towards the environment. So how do we go about encouraging Jeremy Clarkson to drive less, rugby players to eat less meat and gamers to use less energy? Join Dr Neil Jennings from NUS as he outlines different approaches to encouraging behaviour change and have a go at planning how you can put them into action on your campus.

To find more presentations and resources from the Student Sustainability Summit, search for SSS15

To find presentations and resources from this “Challenging Connections” the 19th EAUC Annual Conference, search for EAUCConf15
