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This report produced by Jack Ruane, MSc Student at University College London and endorsed by EAUC aims to present exemplary cases of HEIs in the global South working towards...
SDGs | student | NUS | higher education | Health and Wellbeing | SDG3 | Global South | sustainable development issues | dissertation
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On the 20th of August 2020 EAUC-Scotland held it's first Student Roundtable which brough together student sustainability officers from across Scotland. All the resources...
sustainability | student | NUS | SOS | association | Roundtable | sabbaticalmunion
Exploring the benefits of applied learning and research for student learning outcomes and graduate attributes, this session shared learning from across the sector.
sustainability | learning | student | NUS | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | living labs | Keele University | research and development | labs | keele | living | applied | outcomes | meg | baker
The #SDGTeachIn: how student demand led to over 200 teaching staff
including the SDGs in their teaching, learning, and assessment
SDGs | teaching | NUS | EAUCConf18
The SDGs in Education: How we are (attempting) to include the SDGs across all programmes and how we are tracking our progress - NUS and University of Winchester
SDGs | NUS | EAUCConf18
We've just published the 7th year of research looking at student expectations and experiences of learning for sustainability during their time in education, as well as how...
Student Engagement | NUS | Learning for Sustainability
On Wednesday 10th January EAUC-Scotland, College Development Network (CDN) and Learning for Sustainability Scotland (LfSS) held the Measuring Sustainability in the Curriculum...
ESD | curriculum | NUS | SDG | LfS | LfSS | audit | EAUC-S | Responsible Futures | College Development Network | CDN | Measuring Sustainability in the Curriculum
EAUC-Scotland's Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Networks, and Learning for Sustainability Scotland's FHE and Sustainable Development...
Scotland | engagement | SDGs | curriculum | Education for sustainable development | reporting | NUS | tsn | topic support network | Learning for Sustainability | education for sustainability | Sustainable Development Goals | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | FHE | LfS | LfSS | PRME | Learning for Sustainability Scotland | National Union of Students | Outcome Agreements | NUS Scotland
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Jamie Agombar, Head of Sustainability - National Union...
NUS | fairtrade | EAUCConf17
The UK National Commission for UNESCO has published a series of case studies showcasing best practice examples of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from across the UK....
ESD | Education for sustainable development | NUS | Learning for Sustainability | education for sustainability | UNESCO | National Union of Students | teacher training | Green Academy | distance learning
Web Page
Resources from the 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
Scotland | ESD | SDGs | learning | teaching | Education for sustainable development | NUS | living labs | University of St Andrews | Learning and Teaching | Learning for Sustainability | EAUCS2017 | SDG | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Sustainable Development Goals | Careers Project | LfSS | Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning | Learning for Sustainability Scotland | National Union of Students | ESD HE | ESD FE | EAUC-Scotland Careers Project
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning' Summit.
Scotland | ESD | learning | teaching | conference | Education for sustainable development | NUS | Learning for Sustainability | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning | National Union for Students | NUS-UK
Resource on the second part of the Careers Project: Preparing for a Job in Sustainability, including webinar.
NUS | careers | Careers Project | green jobs | National Union of Students | Robert Gordon University | careers webinar | PwC | IEMA | sustainable careers | RGU | careers in sustainabitlity | Preparing for a job in sustainability | job in sustainability | careers webinar series part 2 | careers webinar 2 | careers part 2
Not available
A-Z guide of sustainability in the curriculum, from Art to Zoo Management, created by NUS to meet the demand for implementing sustainability in every academic discipline.
sustainability | ESD | curriculum | case study | Education for sustainable development | NUS | National Union of Students | sustainable education | ESD HE | Sustainability in Curriculum | educating sustainability | Careers in Sustainability | ESD FE | green curriculum | Education for sustainable development in higher education | ESD in further and higher education | education for sutainable development in further education | sustainable curriculum
Web Page
In 2015, we partnered with Scouts, the Canal and Rivers Trust, and RSPB to ask young people about their perceptions on their involvement in local decisions, and how they can...
research | report | NUS | decision making
Web Page
For the sixth year in a row, 80 per cent of students have told NUS that they want their institutions to be doing more on sustainability, and 60 per cent want to learn more about...
research | NUS | sustainable development | higher education | survey | HEA | student attitudes
Web Page
Homes Fit For Study revealed that over three quarters of students have a problem with the condition of their home, as well as other insights into the environmental performance...
student | research | report | NUS | accommodation | homes
Web Page
When NUS launched our food growing programme Student Eats in 2015, we conducted some research among students to find out more about their eating habits and attitudes.
food | research | report | NUS | student attitudes | Student Eats
Web Page
In 2012, NUS asked students about what they understood Fairtrade to mean, as well as how important it was to them, where they get their Fairtrade clothing from, and what they...
student | research | NUS | fairtrade | clothing
Web Page
NUS are really proud to be able to publish our full report on Students’ Green Fund – demonstrating the incredible impact which our movement’s 25 transformational...
research | report | NUS | HEFCE | Students' Green Fund