Build and refurbishment energy design guide - University of Bristol

Tags: efficiency | HE | higher education


This design guide outlines how the University of Bristol aim to build more energy efficient buildings. 

How to use the guide

The guide specifies certain standards and features that the ‘design team’ should include in any new build, extension or refurbishment project. The Energy and Environmental Manager will be available to answer any queries the design team may have regarding any elements of the design guide

The structure of the guide

This guide is split into 21 numbered sections relating to building design and services (see contents page). Each of the 21 sections is split into two parts, new build and refurbishment. The relevant part should be applied to the project under design (these are often the same features).

The Energy conservation design guide checklist

As the Design Guide is a generic document, some elements of it may not be applicable or relevant to the design under consideration and do not need to be included. To establish what has been included and excluded, the attached ‘tick box checklist’ noting all sections of the design guide should be filled out and submitted to the University’s Energy and Environmental Manager. This should be done before the final designs are agreed.

Any energy conservation features not included (use non-applicable on the checklist) need to have a brief reason given as to why they weren't, this could simply be that the client (the University) agreed to exclude them. Certain Energy Conservation features in the design guide may be excluded on technical or economic grounds. For the University to assess these grounds, a brief report from the ‘designer’ will be needed. This report should include details of additional costs as well as potential savings for all aspects of the design feature in question, including estimates for capital, energy and maintenance costs/savings. The phrase ‘briefly assess and report on’ denotes where such a report is needed (also noted on the checklist). The report should be brief, no more than a page of A4. These reports should be submitted with the checklist.

This checklist, the reports and the initial designs will be discussed within the ‘design team’ (including the University's Energy and Environmental Manager and relevant members of  Building Services) to agree what elements of the energy conservation design guide will be included in the final design.

This was created in 2001.