Green Gown Awards 2013 - Facilities and Services - University of York - Finalist

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Green Gown Awards 2013 - Facilities and Services - University of York - Finalist image #1

The fresh, fast and local food procurement project

The University of York's fresh, fast & local food procurement initiative has resulted in a reduction in food miles of 31,625 per annum, 16.2% reduction in the number of food suppliers and a reduction in food costs compared against the national average food cost.

Additional benefits that were not anticipated have come in the form of improved quality evidenced from a 47% reduction in food complaints, increased term time sales of 9.8%, reduced stock holding times and a BS8901 award for the AUDE conference.

The initiative has provided an excellent learning experience for the Contracts Manager and the Catering Managers across the department of Commercial Services. It has also provided a starting point for York to continue to improve its green credentials, whilst ensuring the scheme has business sustainability.

The University of York are excited to continue reviewing the project and are looking at ways to extend this across the other commercial departments.
