Green Gown Awards 2015 - Best Newcomer - Southend Adult Community College - Highly Commended

Tags: sustainability | green gown awards | college | curriculum | learning | teaching | strategy | behaviour change | leadership | best newcomer


Green Gown Awards 2015 - Best Newcomer - Southend Adult Community College - Highly Commended image #1 Green Gown Awards 2015 - Best Newcomer - Southend Adult Community College - Highly Commended image #2 Green Gown Awards 2015 - Best Newcomer - Southend Adult Community College - Highly Commended image #3 Green Gown Awards 2015 - Best Newcomer - Southend Adult Community College - Highly Commended image #4

Southend-on-Seen to be Green

Seen to be Green champions a Living Curriculum that is delivered in and beyond the classroom, using gallery and outdoor space and the café. 

Through different approaches to teaching and learning and cross college activities, Seen to be Green has inspired visible growth in organisational awareness and encouraged individual behaviour changes.

The focused and sustained promotion of sustainability, including at a strategic level and support for accessible ways to make behaviour changes across the college community has reduced the overall carbon footprint, both institutionally and in the wider community through the efforts of learners, volunteers and staff.

Seen to be Green is designed to be sustainable as it embeds throughout the organisation, both through its values and at a cultural level.  The foundations have been laid to shift the focus for the next academic year to learners leading the conversations, activities and initiatives.

Top 3 learnings

1 Early engagement of staff and volunteers through training engaged hearts and minds as the journey began

2 A focus on promotion of a range of accessible, small behaviour changes for individuals that are cumulative over time

3 Taking every opportunity to make the activities and exhibitions fun, relevant and attractive to attract people and sustain engagement.
