Green Gown Awards 2019 - University of Glasgow & University of Strathclyde - Finalist

Tags: green gown awards 2019 | benefitting society | University of Strathclyde | University of Glasgow

Green Gown Awards 2019 - University of Glasgow & University of Strathclyde - Finalist image #1 Green Gown Awards 2019 - University of Glasgow & University of Strathclyde - Finalist image #2 Green Gown Awards 2019 - University of Glasgow & University of Strathclyde - Finalist image #3 Green Gown Awards 2019 - University of Glasgow & University of Strathclyde - Finalist image #4 Green Gown Awards 2019 - University of Glasgow & University of Strathclyde - Finalist image #5 Green Gown Awards 2019 - University of Glasgow & University of Strathclyde - Finalist image #6

Climate Ready Clyde is a cross-sector initiative funded by 15 member organisations (including both the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde) to create a shared vision, strategy and action plan for an adapting Glasgow City Region.  The partnership is co-creating Scotland’s first regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action by:  

•Developing the UK’s first public Climate Risk and Opportunity Assessment for Glasgow City Region – a shared evidence base to help prioritise collective action 

•Providing capacity building and support to members to help them champion adaptation in the City Region, in particular helping partners to assess their own climate risks and opportunities and to develop their own adaptation plans and strategies  

•Providing and promoting climate leadership – The initiative inputs into relevant local, regional, national and UK policy development, showcases the region’s work internationally, and engages with other places working on adaptation across the world to bring learning into the City Region 

•Coordinating adaptation activity across Glasgow City Region – creating a focus for adaptation activities, and connecting individuals and organisations working on the topics to share experiences, and collaborate on new activity 

•Facilitating delivery of adaptation actions where feasible – for example through project development and delivery. 

Top 3 learnings 

  • Effective adaptation cannot be done in isolation and requires a regional partnership approach alongside national and local efforts. 
  • Pooling of financial resources in a partnership approach increases buying power and prevents duplication of effort. 
  • Sharing learning can accelerate progress towards a common goal. 
