Integrated Water Management – Case River 21: Vision-building for Transboundary River Management

Tags: sustainability | curriculum | students | Ecocampus (Belgium) | collaboration | ecology | water management | University of Antwerp | river

An example of good practice in Curriculum from Ecocampus (Belgium)

Each year, the University of Antwerp organises an international education project 'River 21 project: vision-building for transboundary river management’. The education project enables Master students to develop a transboundary vision for the Scheldt basin together with international students (from France and the Netherlands, among others). The students come from different universities and disciplines. They have a varied expertise in water management: some have expertise in river ecology, others in river hydrology, land use, water infrastructure, water treatment, integrated water management, socio-economic aspects and legislation. One of the challenges they are faced with is to integrate all these elements into an international context.