Revolving Green Funds funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)

Tags: carbon | efficiency | reduction | finance | funding | biomass | funds

A presentation from the EAUC Annual Conference 2012 which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration. Held at the University of York between 27-29 March 2012.

Topics covered

Come and hear about some of the projects being funded by HEFCE under the Revolving Green Funds and get some good advice on how to plan for future funding projects. We will hear from Worcester University on their small-scale energy efficiency programme (£71.6k) consisting of two projects; airtightness involving draught-proofing and sealing windows in four buildings and cooling plant upgrade using evaporative cooling in a suite of rooms used for conferences and teaching. The University of Lancaster will talk about their Energy Supply major carbon reduction projects, including a 2MW wind turbine and a biomass boiler

Facilitator - Joanna Simpson, Senior Policy Adviser (HEFCE)


Katy Boom, Director of Environmental Sustainability (Worcester University) and Jonathan Mills, Environment and Sustainability Manager (Lancaster University).