EAUC Christmas calendar

Tags: engagement | tool | work | christmas | home | advent | calendar


EAUC Christmas calendar image #1

Over December 2014 the EAUC created a series of resources to inspire and keep sustainability at the forefront of everyone’s minds during the festive season. These resources have now been compiled into an easy to access advent calendar, ready to use for Christmas 2015!

The idea was to cover as many LiFE Frameworks as possible, in order to have all areas covered when it comes to living more sustainably over Christmas, both at work and at home. Below you can download jam packed resources on the following Frameworks: Biodiversity, Business Industry and Interface, Community and Public Engagement, Staff Engagement, Student Engagement, Resource Efficiency and Waste, Utilities, Travel and Transport and Sustainable Procurement. With ideas, examples and blog posts, the EAUC Christmas calendar is the perfect place to start!