The Informal Approach

An informal approach will enable you to implement individual biodiversity projects quickly without adopting an institution-wide approach. As you gather momentum, this may lead to a more formal institutional commitment.

Getting started by undertaking activity on the ground will provide encouragement for everyone concerned and will help to put biodiversity on the map in your institution. This may include undertaking campus habitat and species surveys or doing some small-scale enhancement projects such as putting up bird or bat boxes and planting native, local species in managed areas.

Even when considering an informal approach, before starting work you should:

Approach relevant people to get permission and simulate interest. People to involve may include staff in estates management, the head gardener and the environmental or sustainability officer.

Think through the implications; make sure that:

Track down possible funding. Have your business case and project proposals ready and approach your senior managers, your estates department, the students union and any other individuals and departments that may be able to help. You may also be able to work with your procurement team in seeking sponsorship from some of your approved suppliers. See ‘Finding Funding’.

Consider drawing on elements of the Strategic Approach to get started.