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EAUC and the Higher Education Business Continuity Network (HEBCoN) have been working with a group of Members over the last year, with the support of AECOM, to develop a guide...
Tags: change | adaptation | 2019 | influence2019 | climate | influence | business | risk | AECOM | adapt | HEBCoN | grant | business continuity | mark | approach | anderson | rebecca | Adaptation Guide | executive buy-in | continuity | managment | durdin | webster | petford
This report demonstrates that Government loan funding is ensuring that public sector energy-efficiency projects which otherwise would not have sufficient capital to progress are...
Tags: finance | funding | Salix | loan | grant | grants | salix finance | money | budget | loans
LiFE Framework: Leadership, Learning and Teaching, Business and Industry Interface (what does this mean?) Workshop Description: This interactive and...
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