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Conference Keynote from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 given by Professor Pamela Gillies, Glasgow Caledonian University.
Tags: Scotland | leadership | Community Engagement | Community and Public Engagement | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | EAUC Scotland Conference | Conference 2017 | keynote | public engagement | Professor Pamela Gillies | university for the common good | Professor Gillies | common good university | Glasgow Caledonian Univeristy | Conference Keynote | GCU | Keynote speech
A video presentation by Ellen MacArthur, keynote for the EAUC Annual Conference 2011.
Tags: conference | 2011 | presentation | keynote | MacArthur
A video from the 2012 Conference of the day 3 keynote address: Satish Kumar, Editor-in-Chief, Resurgence
Tags: sustainability | education | ESD | teaching | sustainable | development | EFS | society | soil | keynote | soul
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