
Carbon Footprint and Project Register Tool Training Resources image #1

EAUC-Scotland arranged a one-day training event on the Carbon Footprint and Project Register (CFPR) tool. This was led by Chris Asensio from Carbon Change Ltd and Clare Wharmby from Carbon Forecast Ltd. Both Chris and Clare were involved in the development of the tool and have extensive experience in supporting the public sector to implement effective carbon management processes.

The Carbon Footprint and Project Register (CFPR) tool will help you achieve the following:

  • Calculate your annual carbon footprint
  • Collate and manage your carbon project list and forecast savings
  • Document estate changes and other impacts on your footprint to create a Business as Usual forecast
  • Produce accurate and auditable outputs to easily complete annual Public Bodies Climate Change Duties reporting
  • Track progress towards targets and provide management information to other parts of the organisation

The tool is of particular interest for those individuals working within universities and colleges involved in measuring and reporting carbon emissions.

You can access the presentation from the workshop in PowerPoint format from the toolbar on the right-hand side, this includes notes to help supplement the slides.

Please note there are two versions of the CFPR tool, one for non-academic organisations and one for academic organisation (organisations who report their carbon footprint using an academic year) .

Please contact the SSN Team for access to the CFPR Tool.