Engaging students through Student Wisdom Councils

Tags: engagement | student | students | EAUCConf14 | engaging | council | wisdom


Presentation from 18th EAUC Annual Conference 2014

Stream: Partnership and Engagement
Competancy level: All


Imagine a randomly selected group of students coming together to talk about a topic that really matters to them, so much so that they want to find new options about how to approach it despite its complexity and its lack of a right or wrong answer. Imagine a process, called Dynamic facilitation, which makes them feel valued and heard equally. Come and experience this innovative process of engaging students in collaborative creativity to solve collective problems.


Andrea Gewessler, Director, Change that Matters and Kirsti Norris, Sustainability Trainer, Facilitator and Consultant, Action for Sustainability Ltd

To find more presentations and resources from this Conference, search for EAUCConf14.