Implementing Sustainability in the Classroom at Universite Laval

Tags: learning | teaching | classroom | SD in Higher Education | sustainability in the classroom | laval


Université Laval has embraced a global approach to sustainability education. Although sustainability has been addressed in the classroom by individuals in the past, it is now being articulated with a vision. In May 2009, the Study Council voted to add a new article to the university’s Academic Regulations stating that all undergraduate students must be introduced to the concept of sustainability. This decision was followed by the creation, in 2012, of a multi-cycle, interfaculty committee on sustainability education. In order to obtain and maintain sustainability certifications, Université Laval must submit lists of courses and programs related to sustainable development. This obligation presented an opportunity to develop a unique and global approach in collaboration with professors and heads of programs. Based on Wiek and collaborators’ report entitled “Key competencies in sustainability: a reference framework for academic program development” (2011), a mandated work group produced a survey on courses and programs. This survey was created to gain a better understanding of the scope of sustainability education at Université Laval and how sustainability competencies can be developed in any field of studies. This case study is an illustration of concrete and transparent measures that could be implemented in order to make account of SD training on offer.

This is an article entitled “ Implementing Sustainability in the Classroom at Université Laval“ that has been published (January 2017) in the « Handbook of Theories and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education »  ( )