Influence 2019! Gamification - an innovative approach to engaging our staff

Tags: sustainability | engagement | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | sustainable travel | energy saving | Anglia Ruskin University | game | Ruskin | anglia | JUMP | fun | arugree | gamification | chubb | simon

ARUgreen is a comprehensive sustainability engagement initiative which is changing the culture of Anglia Ruskin University using an innovative gamification approach. Its ultimate goal is to embed sustainability into every aspect of university life. ARUgreen uses app based gamification to drive engagement, getting staff completing actions relevant to their sustainability priorities (energy saving, sustainable travel, waste reduction, responsible purchasing and health and wellbeing).

So far this year it has seen over 8,000 positive actions logged by staff! To achieve mass uptake, they use competition between departments – the winning department will make a £100 donation to a local charity each year.

This session was part of Influence, the EAUC’s 2019 Annual Conference. All resources from the day can be found here.