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Tags: carbon | case study | behaviour change | Operational | Community and Public Engagement | Partnership Engagement | Adult Education | Background Information | Work Based Learning | auditing | igher Education Institution
A Presentation from Day 2 of the 17th EAUC Annual Conference 2013.
Institutional Blackout: engaging staff and students in saving energy
Topics Covered: In April 2012, University of Southampton completed the first ever campus-wide energy audit, with 255 students and staff auditing and switching off all unnecessary office equipment. The aims were to deliver carbon savings from behaviour interventions, raise awareness, and empower students and staff in sustainability actions. Learn how this pioneering collaborative staff-student initiative was developed and can be implemented in your institution to engage staff and students in carbon saving.
Simon Kemp, Faculty Director of Employability and Employer Engagement, Dr. Neil Smith, Environment Manager, Julia Kendal, Green Academy Programme Assistant and Joshua Davies, EcoCampus Officer and student, all from the University of Southampton
Partnership & Engagement
This stream incorporates aspects of business and industry interface, community and public engagement and procurement and suppliers.
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