International Teriary Education Priorities and Challenges

Tags: Scotland | International | conference | Australasia | 2015 | eauc | EAUCS2015 | shared responsibility | ACTS | AASHE | international perspective | Global Alliance | America

The EAUC-Scotland Conference 2015 closed with a discussion on Shared Responsibilities provided by three key organisations supporting tertiary education sustainability. ACTS (Australasia) and AASHE (North America) had just had their own Annual Conferences, and Megan from AASHE joined Iain Patton and Sarah Lee from the EAUC (who had recently returned from the Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) Conference) by video call to reflect upon the interesting case studies and current priorities and challenges highlighted within these networks. Unfortunately Leanne Denby from ACTS was unwell and unable to join us on the day. 

Iain also shared details of the developing Global Alliance of tertiary education sustainability networks, which will increasingly allow us to share responsibilities, and opportunities, on a global level.

The speakers are:

  • Iain Patton, Chief Executive, EAUC
  • Meghan Fay Zahniser, Executive Director, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)
  • Sarah Lee, Scotland Manager, EAUC

Find out more about the speakers by downloading the Programme from our Conference Webpages.


EAUC-Scotland held their third conference on the 17th November 2015, sharing examples, ideas and opportunities for Colleges and Universities working to develop and promote sustainability within their institution.

The conference theme, A Shared Responsibility, highlighted that for effective change sustainability action is not only needed by estates teams, but also academic and support staff, senior management and students, and requires engagement with local and national partners and other further and higher education institutions.

Find all resources from the Conference using the tag EAUCS2015.