Travel and Transport TSN

Tags: travel | transport


On the 28th April 2021 the Travel and Transport Topic Support Network met virtually to discuss:

1) Business travel flight emissions and policies - a time of opportunity post-Covid?  

Presenter: Siôn Pickering - SRS Projects Coordinator, University of Edinburgh; Network Manager: Roundtable of Sustainable Academic Travel.

2) Engaging with local authorities on sustainable travel

Presenter: Adam Kesby - Active Travel Champions Officer, Sustrans.

3) Campus funding mechanisms for sustainable travel - group discussion.

4) Lockdown travel trends - group discussion.

Presentations and minutes of the group discussions can be downloaded from the right-hand side. For explanation of the slides please see the presentation recordings below. The business travel policy recording starts at 1m 17s and the engaging with local authorities presentation starts at 18m 40s.

You can find out more about our Travel and Transport Topic Support Network here.
