SORTED Guide to Sustainability in Further Education – Part 1 - Sustainability in FE - What is Sustainability - Sustainable Development Goals – 1.2 A guide to key drivers in FE - Wales

1.2 A guide to key drivers in FE - Wales  image #1


All colleges in Wales are signatories to the Sustainable Development Charter. The Charter encourages and enables organisations in Wales to become more sustainable – to make decisions that produce the best long-term outcomes for themselves and for the future of Wales.

The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 sets out to improve the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales. Although Further Education is not mentioned, the Act aims to make public bodies within its remit think more about the long-term; work better with people, communities and each other; and look to prevent problems through a more joined-up approach. At present, Local Authorities (LAs) are included but not FE. Regardless, education and training need to be considered as essential elements of both the Act’s and the Charter’s success. Signatories of the Sustainable Charter although not under the Well-being of Future Generations Act are nonetheless working in pursuit of its goals.

The Corporate Health Standard, run by the Welsh Government, is the quality mark for workplace health promotion in Wales. This accreditation covers health and wellbeing, and at the platinum level covers sustainable development and CSR.

If you are based in Wales, and wish to find out more about how other colleges are embedding sustainability, go to:

Join the EAUC's Wales Regional Group
See case studies on the EAUC's Sustainability Exchange

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