How to run a successful campaign

Tags: engagement | campaign

Following on from our successful How to run a successful campaign event hosted by Kirsti Norris on 28 June 2012 at Imperial College London, we're pleased to offer presentation slides from the day.

Kirsti is an EAUC approved consultant and Director of Action for Sustainability. She has had direct experience of campaigning for 15 years and has also worked in the private sector, running campaigns to meet environmental management system targets, swiftly followed by working in the FE sector engaging staff and students in sustainability campaigns and initiatives. Her invaluable experience has been translated through the exercises designed in this workship.

Greg Sandford, Internal Communications Officer at University of Southampton presents their recently successful 'Blackout' campaign, demonstrating how it forms part of their wider energy reduction campaign at Southampton.

Dave Andrew has 20 years experience as an IT consultant and has just completed an MSc Environmental Management at the University of Northampton, ready to embark on a community groups and social media PhD. Dave provides insight from his research on the effectiveness of social media when used by community groups to promote environmental issues.