The EAUC is committed to driving this innovative information portal forward - making it relevant to the specific challenges faced by staff at institutions wherever they are in the country. Scotland has a wealth of resources throughout its colleges and universities, there is now the opportunity to build on that knowledge bank by expanding our content with more Scottish specific examples.
These resources support EAUC Scotland activity, allowing colleagues in a variety of organisations and locations to share their sustainability experiences via an active news feed, events diaries, best practice guides, tool kits, reports, research, webinars and videos. These multidisciplinary resources are to help provide institutions and their staff with the tools that are needed to put sustainability at the forefront of tertiary education in Scotland.
EAUC Scotland is continuously gathering case studies and examples of good practice to support its activity as well as the Scottish Funding Council and Scottish Government priorities. With universities and colleges having been named as ‘major players’ under the Public Bodies Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) it is important that the achievements and examples are accessible for everyone throughout the UK to utilise. Click here to see the 2022 PBCCD Analysis Report.
Perth College UHI has been running an innovative programme which allows their staff and students to work in care homes. The aim is to provide physical activity programmes for...
North Highland College UHI Gamekeeping students and Inverness College UHI Forestry and Arboriculture students visited the Strathvaich Estate to better understand the two land...
Cross-sector initiative that aims at understanding and addressing the risks posed by climate change to the Glasgow City Region by developing a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy...
The University of Aberdeen is part of the Aurora Universities Network, a network comprising of ten European Institutions. The network's main aim is to harness the collective...
The Third Generation Project is a think-tank involving researchers, students, professors, consultants and other stakeholders based at the University of St. Andrews and dedicated...
The Global Refugee Health Research Network (GRHRN) is a new international project to tackle the threat of serious healthcare problems among refugee populations. It brings...
Between 2018 and 2019, Fife College planted trees in partnership with the Woodland Trust. The trees were donated and contributed to support the Woodland Trust's...
Research project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme to assess the health of the Atlantic Ocean. The University of Edinburgh is leading and coordinating the project which...
Sets targets to become net carbon neutral by 2040 in the University's 2016-2026 Climate Strategy which also identifies key issues, the actions planned to address them and...
City of Glasgow College’s Jewellery Design Programme (part of the Faculty of Creative Industries' Craft & Design Department) signed the Incorporation of...
In 2016, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland established a rooftop garden with the aim to gain some greenspace in a city centre where greenspace is limited. The garden, managed...
The University has partnered with BRITA to introduce a glass bottling scheme on campus. The filtered water dispenser will provide both still and sparkling water at catering...
In response to the Waste regulations (Scotland) entering into effect in January 2014 that requires food waste to be separated, the College developed its own composting...
Following a plastic awareness campaign and a student survey on the possibility of removing single use plastic items from the college's facilities, the college officially...
A team of travel advisers deliver advice to commuters on how to make their commute more sustainable. The advisers are trained during the summer, and deliver most of their travel...
The 'TRNSPRT at the College’ event for staff and students aimed to encourage people to think seriously about how they travel to and from the college and how they can...
A QMU researcher in refugee integration worked with other researchers at institutions across the UK and the UK Government to develop an Indicators of Integration...
Glasgow Medical School Access Programme (GAP) is a pre-medical programme lasting one year, that allows learners from non-conventional backgrounds to acquire the fundamental...
With £6.6 million funding from SoSEP, Dumfries & Galloway College and Borders College are developing a network of STEM Hubs across different locations including...
The Startup Accelerator helps students, staff and alumni to develop their ideas and launch their businesses by providing each team with £10,000 and 6 months of training...