Influence 2019! Taming the beast? Reporting and measuring sustainability education

Tags: education | university | learning | research | reporting | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Canterbury | measuring | peter | sustainability activity | christ | church | kemp | rands | nicola

Has sustainability education been ‘tamed’ to fit with the performativity culture in which reporting and measuring ultimately drive practice? There are a growing number of ways in which Universities are being asked to report on their sustainability activity both internally and externally and these are increasingly being used to demonstrate influence and impact.

This session focused on the work of Bottery (2016), Biesta (2013) and Barnett (2018) to question what influence means within the context of sustainability education in HE. Who are we seeking to influence and why? 

This session was part of Influence, the EAUC’s 2019 Annual Conference. All resources from the day can be found here.