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This session represented a real opportunity to spend some time hearing about some working single-use plastic reduction initiatives within the sector at both an institutional...
Tags: waste | procurement | teaching | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | waste management | workshop | Leeds | St Andrews | plastic | zero | labs | events | plastics | laboratory | free | andrew | lucy | sandra | lee | ideas | leicster | position | pledge | alexander | clarke | stuart | bryers
The University of Cambridge Sustainable Food Policy was launched two years ago, and has been widely recognised for its innovative approach (including with a Green Gown Award!),...
Tags: food | policy | green | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | supply chain | gown | Cambridge | free | Sustainable Food Policy | meat | amy | peter | ruminants | faure | lumb | munroe
The session enabled delegates to influence their own universities to achieve zero carbon by creating a collaborative approach into the future.
Tags: waste | carbon | influence2019 | influence | London | innovation | network | University of London | estate | Plymouth | zero | future | zero carbon | free | john | Kings | thorne | matt | authorities | coalition | marjon | wilkinson | kat | ummar | kasujee | baily
From research to practice: Developing interventions with influence. Bring Your Own Bowl (BYOB) is a food waste behaviour change and student community building intervention.
Tags: waste | Student Engagement | university | recycling | food | Green Gown Awards 2018 | green | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | innovation | bristol | gown | england | UWE | winner | free | surplus | west | bring | drinking | own | predrinking | bowl | colley | rachel
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