Preliminary Review


A preliminary review is useful in providing a quick indication of the amounts and types of waste, together with management practices and costs. It can also provide the level of detail necessary to obtain the support from senior management to embark on a detailed investigation. It is mostly a desk exercise, utilising information that your institution and waste contractors should have or be able to obtain relatively easily.

Information required and sources of information for preliminary review

  1. Identification of main people responsible for waste management e.g. Head of Estates or Central services, Student Services, Technicians, Head Gardener etc. (Complete Template 1).
  2. Identification of main waste contractors and recyclers (contact those identified in A above). Be sure to include all buildings and residences.
  3. Obtain tonnages (or estimates) of main waste produced (from 1 and 2).
  4. Obtain rough breakdown of main types of waste and which buildings or departments are the main producers (most of this information should be available from those identified in 1 and 2).
  5. Identify the disposal route used e.g. does waste go to a recycler, for composting or to landfill or incineration? (from 2)
  6. Identify any successful recycling initiatives.
    Identify any previous recycling activities that have failed.
    Identify the reasons for success or failure.
  7. Obtain details of costs of waste management operations from those responsible identified in (1) above. Other departments such as Finance or Purchasing may have information of incoming goods, all potential waste products, which can be used as a comparison with information gained about waste generated.
  8. Identify whether there are any policies produced by your institution relating to waste management.
    If so, have they been implemented and are they successful or unsuccessful. See Structured Approach
  9. If there is no policy, why not? See Structured Approach