Today's environmental challenges impact our social and political world. With the future journey in mind, it is vital that graduates are equipped with the expertise and experience to guarantee their positive contribution to sustainable development. The important role of universities and colleges in shaping a young person's early career outcomes can be used to empower their students to take on employment opportunities with confidence, and begin to shape the sector thereafter.
If you would like to connect with other professionals interested in this area of sustainability, join SHED - the leading cross sector Community of Practice in the UK for Education for Sustainability (EfS). This group is open to all.
EAUC-Scotland has two Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Networks (TSNs) which are open to all, one for further and one for higher education. Each provide an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
A second chance for single-use lab plastics
Our future is in our hands
Greening our Campus and City
Campus Transformation - A campus for the 21st Century
In the Webinar we were joined by the Duncan Ross, CDO of Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings, he gives us an overview of the Methodology for this year's...
An inclusive curriculum aims to improve the experience, skills and attainment of all students, including those in protected characteristic groups, by ensuring that...
Free business courses to help improve your skills and knowledge.
For this session we heard from Anya Doherty at Foodsteps about calculating carbon foot prints for food and catering outlets and Bekki Laycock on community gardens and NUS...
10 THINGS TO DO to help the Earth during Covid-19 lock down (and beyond)
This journal article identifies key issues facing the science communication field and it suggests a series of prescriptions, inspired by the impact of “evidence-based...
The aim of this research is to develop a meaningful assessment process. It looks at how Goal 4 promotes quality education and Target 4.7 specifically addresses Education for...
Reducing carbon emissions in business through Responsible Management Education: Influence at the micro-, meso- and macro-levels
University Mental Health Charter
Developing students' energy literacy in Higher Education
Climate Emergency Defined
Individual lifestyle changes to mitigate climate change
REACH (Routes to Enhancing ACHievement)
Embedding sustainability into the curriculum can be challenging, thus the aim of this resource is to help IT teaching professionals integrate sustainability concepts into the...
Embedding sustainability into the curriculum may be challenging to do, which is why the EAUC Scotland office are providing this resource to help aid teaching professionals with...
Since March 2018, Hey Girls has been working closely with partner schools, colleges and universities to help distribute period products. As free period products...