Skips and other containers

A variety of the most common designs for skips and containers are shown here. They range from wheelie bins and euro bins, to Front End Loaders (FEL), Rear End Loaders (REL) and skips. Your choice will be affected by factors such as access, storage space and associated rental, lease or uplift costs. In order to identify the most cost effective equipment, you may have to compare different volume containers and frequency of uplifts. The filling method may affect how quickly the containers become full and should also be considered.

One of the chief limitations for all these containers is that waste is not compacted and therefore much of the content of a ‘full’ container is air. Consequently you may be paying as much for the collection of air as for the collection of waste. The problem can be exacerbated when uplifts are arranged on a time basis, whether or not the container is full. A way to overcome this situation is to have one person responsible for checking the containers on a frequent basis, arranging for uplift of the full container ideally the following day.

The best solution is to pay by weight, an arrangement that has been very successful at the University of Derby look under "Achievements"