On the 16th April the EAUC Scotland Energy and Water Topic Support Network met with presentations and discussions focussed on: 00m 58s: Reviewing building standards and...
An event discussing how to integrate retrofit into construction curricula and apprenticeships with perspectives from Scotland, England, and Wales
A list of sustainability and community engagement funding sources available in Scotland to colleges, universities and students' unions/associations.
A brief guide for UK colleges and universities giving an overview and signposting to resources on behaviour change and energy management measures to reduce energy usage.
On the 27th of Oct 2021 the Energy & Water Management Topic Support Network met virtually to discuss new funding streams to support energy master planning and net zero...
On the 22nd of April 2021 the Energy & Water Management Topic Support Network met virtually to discuss net zero energy master planning. Presentations and discussion...
On the 23rd Sept 2020 the Energy & Water Management Topic Support Network met virtually to discuss opportunities and challenges and share best practice. Presentations and...
The University of St Andrews are utilising the Non-Domestic Energy Efficiency (NDEE) Framework to carry out improvements on their university buildings. They have...
Presented by Mark Durdin of Cardiff University and Stuart Bowman of Breathe Energy – this joint presentation of our project plan that mapped out how Breathe supported...
BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 update
The session took delegates through how to secure long term energy cost security from generation sources producing carbon free energy. It looked at the volume, term, legal...
An energy efficiency consultancy and real estate researcher both based at Oxford Brookes University have joined forces to find energy savings.
Behaviour change interventions for reduced energy use
Flushed with success! A UK first in sustainable energy from waste water.
This presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by James Paine - Key Account Director from PCMG. To find more...
EAUC-Scotland Energy TSN and ALUC Utilities UIG Meeting in St Andrews. Minutes include APUC-Scotland, Presentations from University of St Andrews and JRF Chimney
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by John Bailey, Head of Sustainability - University of...
The Scottish Government is currently consulting on their strategy to take the country forward through a full energy transition towards 2050. The Energy Strategy is independent...
The EAUC is a Member-led organisation. We represent you, and ensure that your views on topical issues are conveyed to the rest of the sector and to the Government. One important...
Following energy management training with Scottish colleges, two guidance documents have been produced to help get to grips with Automatic Meter Readings and Building Control...
Two London based projects explore the potential for homes to balance the national grid Recent advances in technology offer some exciting opportunities to improve energy...
New research demonstrates how improving the energy performance of housing can also generate substantial savings for social landlords.
The RE:NEW framework is designed to help organisations procure energy reduction and generation measures efficiently, effectively and economically.
RE:NEW helps organisations such as London boroughs, housing associations, and universities to implement retrofit projects and alleviate fuel poverty. It is doing this through:...
The RE:NEW Team has completed extensive analysis with Orbit Group to gather evidence on how poor energy performance contributes to wider housing management costs. This report...
The RE:NEW Support Team has developed a comprehensive technical risk toolkit to help protect your investment and minimise the risks associated with retrofit projects.
Read the latest edition of the RE:NEW newsletter and the Support Team blogs.
Hackney Council has worked with the RE:NEW Support Team for two years and has already replaced over 600 boilers with affected residents’ fuel bills being halved.
Like many housing providers Peabody is facing cuts to its domestic retrofit budget. This means demonstrating value for money is now more important than ever and Peabody is...
Moat has worked with the RE:NEW Support Team since 2013, mainly on its Pollards Hill project in the Borough of Merton. We spoke to Caroline to find out how Moat is working...
The RE:NEW Support Team has worked with Family Mosaic since 2014 to overcome the challenges in delivering retrofit initiatives across its London-wide housing stock.
With £180 million to invest in 13,500 homes over five years as part of the Decent Homes programme Tower Hamlets is looking to demonstrate value for money by carrying out...
Ealing Council is investing in energy saving measures to improve SAP ratings and value for money of its investment programme.
AmicusHorizon has completed the first of a series of area-based retrofit projects involving multiple energy efficiency measures at properties in South London.
Information and communications technology (ICT) systems are the core of today’s knowledge based society. Innovations in this area are adapted at tremendous speed and...
The University of St Andrews and partners Vital Energi have won a major national award at the Scottish Green Energy Awards 2016 for the biomass energy centre at the...
The £25 million Biomass Energy Centre & District Heating Network for the University of St Andrews has been celebrated at one of Scotland’s most prestigious...
Over the last ten years, the effort to save energy at the University of Copenhagen has paid off, producing both green results and large economic gains. Recent data shows...
Heike Singleton, Carbon Management Officer, University of York emailed the Members network with the following: “We are currently reviewing our carbon reduction targets...
Enhance is a research project which is taking a Living Lab approach to understanding and reducing energy demand in public sector buildings.
45 min webinar focusing on how to use staff engagement to increase workplace energy efficiency of
Although Durham University is one of the oldest universities in the UK with a medieval World Heritage Site at its heart, it is a modern and forward-looking University where...
In the United Kingdom, public sector information and communication technologies (ICT) are responsible for between 35-38% of total ICT-related Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions....
This is the presentation Andrew Bryers, Energy, Environment and Sustainability Manager at Aston University gave at The Renewables Event, Birmingham NEC, September...
My star fish have fins! The StarFin project is an example of how innovation driven by sustainability can be achieved in a university environment. Universities have at their...
The EAUC Energy Management TSN and APUC Utilities UIG met at Borders College on the 17th August 2016 to discuss current priorities in utilities management...
Extracting carbon savings from our science labs A £1.025 million estate-wide review and upgrade of science laboratory ventilation, covering 252 fume cupboards to...
EAUC Gold Company Member PCMG showcase four case studies featuring energy cost recovery.
Queen’s University Belfast Energy Team The Queen’s University Belfast Energy Team consists of four people that are a part of the wider Estates Directorate....
Jack Connors, Sustainability Projects Officer, University of London emailed the Members’ network to say, “A few months ago we sent out a survey across UK...