EAUC Member responses about the use of food waste bins for restaurants.
This is a video of a presentation from the Day 2 Keynote Address at the 2011 Annual Conference from Martin Hulme, Managing Director, Co-operative Estates.
Durham University’s Procurement Service and Catering Department have worked in unison to provide a range of services to its 10 fully catered colleges and other catering...
An insight guide which is offered free to EAUC Members to help you to create and manage your own sustainable events.
Nottingham Trent University (NTU) is the first University to receive the Silver Food for Life Catering Mark by the Soil Association for producing a large volume of student meals
Love Food Hate Waste aims to raise awareness of the need to reduce food waste and help us take action. It shows that by doing some easy practical everyday things in the home we...
'How is it recycled?' is a series of videos produced by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) and 'RecycleNow' providing useful information about...
EAUC Member responses about sustainable food policies and reduced meat catering.