The SDG Accord is the university and college sector’s collective response to the sustainable development goals (SDGs). It was launched in September 2017 and is administered by the EAUC.
The purpose of the SDG Accord is twofold:
Here on the Sustainability Exchange you will find resources to support and inspire you on your SDG journey, for each the 17 SDGs. There will be examples of best practice, research by institutions on the SDGs, and annual reports with updated data.
Already a Signatory? Join the SDG Accord Learning Network - request to join here.
Addressing Marine Plastics - A systemic Approach – Recommendations for Actions
Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
What do the SDGs look like in HE and FE?
Aston University - Ethical Investment Policy
The aim of this research is to develop a meaningful assessment process. It looks at how Goal 4 promotes quality education and Target 4.7 specifically addresses Education for...
University Mental Health Charter
On 3rd April 2019 Times Higher Education launched the inaugural University Impact Rankings, a pioneering initiative to recognise universities across the world for their...
UN Sustainable Development Goals and the BREEAM Family of Standards and Tools
Sulitest’s 3rd annual report - Raising and Mapping Awareness of the Global Goals
Launch of the second annual SDG report; ‘Progress towards the Global Goals in the University and College sector'.
How to report on the SDGs
University of Leicester's first standalone SDG report.
A presentation that ties the sustainability activities at Glasgow Kelvin College (GKC) to the relevant SDGs as signatories of the accord
Palm Oil and Biodiversity Webinar
Integrating sustainable development into economics curriculum
Integrating Food into Urban Planning
ARIUSA and the SDGs
Approaches to SDG 17 Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
ISCN and GULF Universities Share Best Practice Report at the World Economic Forum
Education for Sustainable Development - SDG Policy brief