Volumes of waste in FHE institutions

Small institutions

In some establishments, due to the small volume of waste produced, it may not be necessary to undertake a waste analysis survey. In such a situation, you can use the information in the table below as an indication of the amount of waste produced in FHE institutions, relative to their size, and compare with that produced by your own institution.

Large institutions

The information below can be used for benchmarking. It will be more useful for larger institutions where greater quantities of waste are produced, to conduct their own survey. A survey can highlight variations in the types and amounts of waste that are being generated, and may also be useful in identifying further opportunities for reuse or recycling.

Indicative waste production rates depending on size of institution

Size of institution(FTEs)
Staff and students
Indicative waste
(Household Solid Waste) production / annum range (Tonnes)
1,000 30-60
2,500 75-150
5,000 150-300
7,500 225-450
10,000 300-600
15,000 450-900
20,000 600-1200
25,000 750-1500

Note: only relatively few institutions have their waste weighed. Some institutions have indicated considerably higher tonnages, based on conversions of volumes. As more institutions obtain accurate weights of their waste, this table can be reviewed. If your institution appears to be producing substantially greater totals than indicated on the table, find out why.