Green Gown Awards – 2018 – Campus of the Future - NEW

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Building on the previous Carbon Reduction category, this category recognises pathfinding campus and learning innovation. Traditional campus and learning processes are challenged and advances in internet connectivity, artificial intelligence and augmented reality have scope to transform campuses and learning into more immersive and more sustainable experiences. Similarly, the digital revolution is driving smart buildings, intelligent campuses and step-change advances in carbon reduction across all aspects of an institution.  Next-generation campuses are championing climate adaptation, biodiversity, student well-being, waste reduction, better procurement, sustainable travel, cross-discipline and social space design. Others are pioneering solid linkage with the local community in supporting embedded energy supply and grid reduction through a joined-up approach for example in local ‘smart grid’ infrastructure. The possibilities are endless, and judges will particularly look for a whole–institution mix of carbon reduction and enhancement of learning and wider student and community outcomes.

Applications are only likely to be successful if they provide quantitative evidence on the nature of the improvements made and demonstrate a causal relationship between activities undertaken and improvements achieved.

This category replaces the former Carbon Reduction and Facilities and Services categories.

Proudly supported by The Energy Consortium

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