Heritage & Carbon: how historic buildings can help tackle the climate crisis
Go Green Tools - Hillside Environmental Services
EAUC-Scotland have produced a report on baselining which is available on the right of this page. Baselines present a problem for many when new sources of emissions are added...
EAUC-Scotland have produced a second video and guide in the Sector Briefing Series. This time the topic is "What is Carbon Offsetting?" The previous briefing on...
The Travel Better Package aims to support the reduction of air travel in the FHE sector, specifically amongst academics and staff. It also aims to support reflection on and...
Our EAUC-Scotland Conference 2019, entitled the Elephants in the Room, included several breakout sessions. This page contains the resources from the workshop on Carbon and...
On Thursday 24th October 2019, the Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network met to discuss reporting the carbon emissions associated with procurement. Presentations...
Enhancing the benefits of trees on Campus - University of Leeds
Through a case study of Circular Economy office furniture, this workshop showed how disruptive sustainable business models are saving Institutions money, reducing their...
This session looked at how your institution could set carbon targets that align with the Paris Agreement and support a declaration of a climate emergency.
Following on from the plenary focusing on Greater Manchester’s Carbon Target this session focused on what universities and colleges have done in response to the Climate...
Attendees learned about the steps taken towards developing carbon negative products.
The session enabled delegates to influence their own universities to achieve zero carbon by creating a collaborative approach into the future.
November 2018 was the third year for Scottish universities and colleges to submit their Public Bodies Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) reports as named 'major players'...
This climate change risk assessment addresses the risks to ARU resulting from climate and weather events, and their associated health, operational, and financial consequences....
November 2017 was the second year for Scottish universities and colleges to submit their Public Bodies Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) reports as named 'major players'...
Find out about our pioneering partnership approach, including the development of an innovative Environmental Educational Fund that supports the delivery of an ambitious...
Members are invited to watch the webinar we held to discuss the consultation 'Leading by example: cutting energy bills and carbon emissions in the public and...
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Professor Keith Clarke, Visiting Professor in...
EAUC-Scotland publishes a report on the Further and Higher Education Carbon Emissions 2014-15 based on the data from the Public Body Climate Change Duties and HESA submissions.
This briefing paper gives an overview of how the schemes and assessment methodologies have evolved in response to changes in industry knowledge and practice, how they might...
Two London based projects explore the potential for homes to balance the national grid Recent advances in technology offer some exciting opportunities to improve energy...
New research demonstrates how improving the energy performance of housing can also generate substantial savings for social landlords.
The RE:NEW framework is designed to help organisations procure energy reduction and generation measures efficiently, effectively and economically.
The RE:NEW Support Team has developed a comprehensive technical risk toolkit to help protect your investment and minimise the risks associated with retrofit projects.
RE:NEW helps organisations such as London boroughs, housing associations, and universities to implement retrofit projects and alleviate fuel poverty. It is doing this through:...
Moat has worked with the RE:NEW Support Team since 2013, mainly on its Pollards Hill project in the Borough of Merton. We spoke to Caroline to find out how Moat is working...
The RE:NEW Team has completed extensive analysis with Orbit Group to gather evidence on how poor energy performance contributes to wider housing management costs. This report...
AmicusHorizon has completed the first of a series of area-based retrofit projects involving multiple energy efficiency measures at properties in South London.
Read the latest edition of the RE:NEW newsletter and the Support Team blogs.
Like many housing providers Peabody is facing cuts to its domestic retrofit budget. This means demonstrating value for money is now more important than ever and Peabody is...
The RE:NEW Support Team has worked with Family Mosaic since 2014 to overcome the challenges in delivering retrofit initiatives across its London-wide housing stock.
With £180 million to invest in 13,500 homes over five years as part of the Decent Homes programme Tower Hamlets is looking to demonstrate value for money by carrying out...
Hackney Council has worked with the RE:NEW Support Team for two years and has already replaced over 600 boilers with affected residents’ fuel bills being halved.
Ealing Council is investing in energy saving measures to improve SAP ratings and value for money of its investment programme.
This briefing document from VWR relates to reducing carbon emissions, resource efficiency and sustainable procurement.
Students from Fife College created a low carbon lunch at the Fife Environmental Partnership Conference and Fair.
To accompany Brite Green's latest report into carbon emissions in the HE sector, a best practice guide to support institutions to achieve their emissions reduction targets...
This spreadsheet contains a summary of the results to date, from different universities and colleges who have used the tool, broken down by category.
This workshop presentation is from the “Learning and Legacy: The Role of Education in Creating Healthier and Happier Cities” EAUC Annual Conference 2016, presented...
Researchers from University of Southampton have teamed up with hair and beauty bodies to work with training providers to bring sustainability to the forefront of everyday...
Research published by sustainability consultancy Brite Green shows universities in England have fallen further behind their own targets and the national carbon targets set by...
Energy efficiency and carbon saving advice for the further and higher education sector.
Carbon Trust Public Sector Network - a free online resource for publicly funded organisations
Member responses to a request to the Energy & Water Community of Practice about carbon and energy management plans
In partnership with the Department for Education and the Department for Energy and Climate Change, Salix is launching a research pilot project for a limited amount of...
These are the member responses on carbon targets sent to EAUC Members in December 2014.
Total Waste Management USC has introduced a new waste management process to all buildings on the Sippy Downs campus resulting in an average of 75 percent reduction in general...
Print Procurement for a Sustainable Future Print Procurement for a Sustainable Future” has transformed the way the organisation prints, copies and faxes using smart...
Guidance from Lucideon that student loans are not categorised as public funding under ESOS.