A presentation from the 2014 Conference about developing a training package to help deliver your sustainability goals using LSE and UCL as case studies.
The NUS Students’ Green Fund offered students' unions a share of £5m for large-scale sustainability projects, here are three case studies.
An EAUC 2014 presentation which creatively explores ways of engaging staff and students with sustainability using examples from Canterbury Christ Church University's...
Presentation, by Kirsti Norris and Andrea Gewessler, from 18th EAUC Annual Conference 2014 on engaging students through Student Wisdom Councils.
From the EAUC Annual Conference 2014 at Nottingham Trent University - an interactive speciality workshop looking at displaying your sustainability data quickly and clearly by...
A presentation from the 2014 Conference where the University of Cambridge is used a case study to provide guidance and best practice on how to set up and implement a Living Lab.
A short video on the Green Office Model that rootAbility have established at Maastricht University and are now trying to bring to other universities in Europe.
“That bit extra” promotes engaging projects that has included everything from plants to pants.
The University of Bristol has also created a 10 minute tutorial to introduce students to sustainability at the University and to show them the opportunities that will aid them...
The third report from HEA looking at student attitudes towards sustainable development in UK higher education.
An in-depth guide that discusses the environmental and financial issues around students taking their cars to university with them and the alternative forms of transport available.
A case study about a Change Agent who was tasked with delivering Green Impact at the University of Sheffield.
A case study of a Change Agent and how they helped achieve the ambitious goals set at Transition UWS.
Fair trade Community of Practice convenor, Liz Cooper, sent out a survey to the group's members requesting their thoughts on fair trade in our institutions
A case study and materials from Stockton Riverside College from a project which aimed to engage learners in sustainable activities through developing an exciting Sustainability...
A report from NUS and SITA UK aiming to improve our understanding of student attitudes and behaviours to waste and recycling, what motivates them and what barriers they are...
A case study of Interface and Sunderland University which has undergone a major refurbishment including carpet tiles to create a superior environmental performance.
A presentation about the launch of the Students' Green Fund at the 2013 EAUC Annual Conference.
Late 2009, Engineers without Borders, a student engineering society in the University of Warwick, sought support from the university Estates Office for a 1kW wind turbine project.
On the evening of Friday 27th April 2012, 255 students and staff at the University of Southampton successfully completed the first campus-wide energy audit.
Case studies from the Winner and Highly Commended for the Student Initiatives category from the 06/07 Green Gown Awards
A presentation from the 2011 Conference about creating a ‘Net Positive’ institution.
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how University of Reading set a baseline, engage with staff and work with the student body to embed sustainability.
The Ecotube website has a range of interesting and informative video material on the environment and sustainability
A presentation from the EAUC Annual Conference 2012 which gives you three extensive ideas to engage students with sustainability.
esd, efs
A quiz that can be used a Christmas to engage staff and students with sustainability.
Student videos which were created as part of the Environmental Sustainability module of their extracurricular Nottingham Advantage Award.
Christmas Switch off resources to remind staff to switch off over the holidays.
EAUC Member responses about the experience of setting up green champions networks.
This case study from the University of Leeds illustrates how to engage staff and students into strategic plans to reduce carbon.
People & Planet is the largest student network in Britain campaigning to end world poverty, defend human rights and protect the environment.
EAUC Member responses with helpful ways to tackle recycling in Halls of Residence.
A EAUC Member only resource which provides a 20 minute 'introduction to sustainability' elearning module to use as an engagement tool.
A curriculum review tool and guide based on searching modules specifications for insights to how they were engaging with education for sustainable development.
HEA-funded project on student attitudes towards, and skills in, sustainable development undertaken by NUS Services, StudentForce for Sustainability and the University of Bath
Examples of some recycling quizzes to use for staff and student engagement.
A HEFCE commissioned report to carry out an evaluation of the Revolving Green Fund (RGF).