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Showcasing the highlights of the first annual report of the Sustainability Leadership Scorecard so you can see where the sector is achieving and where the sector needs to up its...
sustainability | SDGs | leadership | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | scorecard | SLS | leaders | Bournemouth | sustainability leadership scorecard | andy | arup | wintrip | sheppard | richard
Influencing Senior Leaders- Insights from the Finance Director- Phil McNaull former Director of Finance, University of Edinburgh in conversation with Dave Gorman, Director of...
sustainability | university | leadership | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Edinburgh | finance | dave | gorman | srs | phil | Infleunce 2019 | Phil McNaull | Dave Gorman | mcnaull | invest | divest
Exploring the benefits of applied learning and research for student learning outcomes and graduate attributes, this session shared learning from across the sector.
sustainability | learning | student | NUS | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | living labs | Keele University | research and development | labs | keele | living | applied | outcomes | meg | baker
ARUgreen is a comprehensive sustainability engagement initiative which is changing the culture of Anglia Ruskin University using an innovative gamification approach.
sustainability | engagement | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | sustainable travel | energy saving | Anglia Ruskin University | game | Ruskin | anglia | JUMP | fun | arugree | gamification | simon | chubb
This session shared findings from a recent DMU project to support staff and students from six programmes to explore current coverage and course enhancements focused on ESDG.
sustainability | education | ESD | SDGs | curriculum | sustainable | development | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | SDG | De Montfort University | andrew | Montfort | ESDGC | mentoring | de | reeves
Delegates had the opportunity to dive a bit deeper into the Governance Guide and Business Case Guide and also hear what this year’s Sustainability Institution of the Year,...
sustainability | university | guide | green | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | business | Edinburgh | governance | gown | case | leaders | motivation | gorman | dave | institution | Business Case Guide | Governance Guide | michelle | brown
Why don’t more people see the urgency around climate change and take more action? Why are we sleepwalking our way into changes that will affect the future of humanity?
sustainability | influence2019 | climate | influence | health | wellbeing | school | Glasgow | Influence 2019 | psychology | art | john | anxiety | thorne | Members Day | mental
This session looked at how you can ensure you are as effective as possible in getting your message across, how to build your influence and go about persuading senior management.
sustainability | engagement | conference | leadership | University of Edinburgh | staff | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | business | eauc | Edinburgh | manchester | governance | case | Influence 2019 | leaders | governors | dave | gorman | interactive | Members Day | srs | metropolitan | buy | in
This session offered the delegates the chance to hear from one of the University’s senior lecturers about how a new course is being constructed for The University of...
sustainability | education | university | SDGs | curriculum | Education for sustainable development | SDG | manchester | Sustainable Development Goals | goals | pedagogy | target | 2030 | united | nations | embed | stellify | jen | engage | o'brien
Palm oil and palm oil derivatives are ubiquitous within food-stuffs, cleaning products, cosmetics and the supply chain of these items
sustainability | university | policy | sustainable | staff | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | University of the West of England | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | bristol | UWE | sector | oil | west | palm | amy | palm oil | jungle | rainforest
Attendees learned about the steps taken towards developing carbon negative products.
sustainability | waste | carbon | community | change | influence2019 | climate | influence | design | interface | plastic | oceans | tile | embodied | jon | gensleter | back | reentry | skanska | take | khoo
Not available
The fourth annual ‘Sustainability in Education’ Report from the National Union of Students (NUS), EAUC, University and College Union (UCU), Association of Colleges...
sustainability | government | Climate Action
The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), is inviting calls for research proposals under its Sustainability Hub.
sustainability | research | macroeconomics
Web Page
Student Sustainability Architects
sustainability | employability | student experience
Web Page
The Leeds Way to a Sustainable Curriculum
sustainability | education | teaching
Web Page
Student Interns
sustainability | student interns
Web Page
Sustainability Volunteers
sustainability | volunteering
Web Page
Findings from a study looking at extent of sustainability integrated into strategic plans in Canadian HEIs
sustainability | strategic planning
Web Page
Michael J. Lorr, Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of Aquinas Ireland Study Abroad Program Spring 2018 at Aquinas College in Michigan, USA. In his latest blog, he...
sustainability | urban | rural
Web Page
Andy Penaluna, Professor of Creative Entrepreneurship & Director - International Institute of Creative Entrepreneurial Development at the University of Wales Trinity Saint...
sustainability | enterprise