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Palm oil and palm oil derivatives are ubiquitous within food-stuffs, cleaning products, cosmetics and the supply chain of these items
sustainability | university | policy | sustainable | staff | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | University of the West of England | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | bristol | UWE | sector | oil | west | palm | amy | palm oil | rainforest | jungle
Web Page
Power of the purse: Responsible procurement that reaches our people, projects and partners
Green Gown Awards 2017 Finalist | facilities and services | Procurement and Supplier Engagement
Web Page
“With the introduction of the UK’s Modern Slavery Act (MSA), commercial organisations with a turnover of £36 million or more are required to produce an annual...
Procurement and Supplier Engagement | supply chain | HEPA | Modern Slavery Act | slavery
The Sustainable Procurement TSN met on the 3rd October 2016 to discuss a number of social issues related to procurement. Topics included:
The Modern Slavery Act
procurement | policy | University of Edinburgh | reporting | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | wellbeing | apuc | sustainable procurement | Public Sector Reporting | sustainability policy | Modern Slavery Act | slavery | Sustainable Procurement Strategy | modern slavery | living wage | Sustainable Procurement Duty | conflict minerals | community benefits | Living Wage Accreditation
This workshop presentation is from the “Learning and Legacy: The Role of Education in Creating Healthier and Happier Cities” EAUC Annual Conference 2016, presented...
procurement | EAUCConf16 | Procurement and Supplier Engagement
This presentation on 'Delivering Sustainability through Procurement' was given as an afternoon workshop at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2015 by Stephen Connor,...
Scotland | procurement | conference | 2015 | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | EAUCS2015 | shared responsibility | apuc
SEPA and Zero Waste Scotland's guidance document on procuring waste services for public bodies and their contractors, with a focus on preventing waste-associated crime.
waste | procurement | resource efficiency and waste | Zero Waste Scotland | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Public Sector | SEPA | contractor | Scottish Environment Protection Agency | crime
North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium (NEUPC) member Durham
University has engaged in innovative research to meet its CSR goals, support the environment and achieve...
procurement | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | CSR | Durham University | corporate social responsibility | north east | NEUPC
Our Waste and Procurement Topic Support Networks met together on the 11th March 2015 to hold a day-long event on the Lifecycle of Electronics.
procurement | resource efficiency and waste | reuse | waste management | Sustainable ICT | circular economy | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Disposal | electronics | ethical sourcing | health and safety | lifecycle | data storage | life cycle | data security
The University of Manchester catering service strives to offer healthy, sustainable catering that is produced, processed and traded in ways that; contribute to the local...
energy | waste | guide | food | higher education institution | fairtrade | catering | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Leadership Governance | environmental impacts | Seasonal | Animal Wlefare | health and well being | Regional
Outline of the Oxford Brookes University Fairtrade debate 'How universities can go beyond Fairtrade'. In celebration of 10 years as the World's first Fairtrade...
Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Partnership Engagement | produce | environmental impacts | worker's rights
Fairtrade Fortnight aims to raise the profile of the FAIRTRADE Mark, the principles of fair trade and the problems facing farmers and producers in developing countries. Staff at...
community | fairtrade | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Partnership Engagement | Fairtrade fortnight | ethical | global market | economic | fair pricing
EAUC Member responses about Keep Cup and other ways of encouraging the use of recyclable cups.
recycling | food | catering | Operational | reuse | estates operations | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Background Information | drink
Web Page
This project, delivered by University of Northampton, puts partnership working at the centre of sustainable development and recognises that universities need to demonstrate...
university | higher education institution | strategic | Community and Public Engagement | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Project | toolkit | Partnership Engagement | Out of Sector | Business and Industry Interface
ICT (or e-Waste) at your institution, an EAUC Insight Guide, provides useful information on e-waste, covering a number of areas such as regulations, storing, recycling and...
college | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | eauc | Sustainable ICT | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | insight guide | Background Information | WEEE
Elmwood College has adopted an innovative approach for meeting the requirements of the ISO14001 Environmental Management Standard. It uses curriculum as a mechanism for...
Scotland | Student Engagement | college | biodiversity | learning | case study | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | Learning and Teaching | Utilities | strategic | Travel and Transport | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Teaching Research | environmental management
Benchmarks for target setting, a short guide developed by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), provides information on selecting suitable metrics and KPIs; project...
college | guide | wrap | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | recycle | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | Adult Education
Sustainable ICT Procurement for Institutions, an EAUC Insight Guide, offers advice on selecting most sustainable ICT equipment for institutions, encompassing a range of topics...
college | guide | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | eauc | Sustainable ICT | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | insight guide | Disposal | Green Procurement
The UK Government's Sustainable Procurement Action Plan produced by DEFRA in 2007. Incorporating the Government response to the report of the Sustainable Task Force. Part...
procurement | report | strategic | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | government | DEFRA | Operations | Out of Sector | Action Plan
Web Page
The ILO is the international organization responsible for drawing up and overseeing international labour standards. Web link to their page for more information
International | estates operations | strategic | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Out of Sector | Website