Er i’r Gyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd gael ei greu gan Gyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Lloegr (CCAULl) yn wreiddiol, mae llawer o wybodaeth ar gael ar y porth hwn ar gyfer pobol sy’n gweithio ar gynaliadwyedd yng Nghymru pu’n ai’n addysg uwch neu’n addysg bellach.
Mae’n safle ar gyfer cydweithwyr mewn gwahanol sefydliadau gael rhannu eu profiadau cynaliadwyedd drwy gyflenwad newyddion bywiog, dyddiadur digwyddiadau, canllawiau arfer dda, canllawiau cryno, adroddiadau, ymchwil, webinarau a fideos.
Mae’r ACPC wedi ymrywmo i yrru’r porth gwybodaeth arloesol hwn ymlaen – gan ei wneud yn berthnasol i’r heriau sy’n cael eu hwynebu gan staff mewn sefydliadau ble bynnag y bont yn y wlad.
Gan fod addysg a’r amgylchedd wedi eu datganoli yng Nghymru, mae Prifysgolion a Cholegau mewn sefyllfa unigryw gyda disgwyliadau gwahanol arnynt o’i gymharu â gweddill y DU. Er mwyn rhoi cymorth iddynt ac er mwyn cefnogi addysg drydyddol yng Nghymru, rydym yn gobeithio creu Partneriaid Cyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd Cymreig newydd er mwyn darparu adnoddau a chanllawiau rydych eu hangen.
Mae’r perthnasau newydd a chyffrous hyn wedi’u llunio er mwyn gosod cynaliadwyedd ar y blaen o ran addysg drydyddol yng Nghymru, ac er mwyn darparu’r offer i sefydliadau a’u staff allu gwireddu hyn. Er bod llawer o adnoddau penodol Cymreig ar gael ar y Gyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd, carem weld mwy ohonynt.
Dyna pam y byddwn yn parhau i weithio’n galed i hybu cynaliadwyedd o fewn addysg drydyddol dros Gymru gyfan a pham rydym yn cynyddu ein partneriaethau ac adnoddau drwy’r amser.
The video of the live streaming of the 2014 International Green Gown Awards which took place in Hobart, Australia at the ACTS Conference.
The Winners' Brochure for the International Green Gown Awards 2014 which brings together the finalists and winners of these Awards which are growing globally.
UCU fact file: the reasons for eliminating bottled water from the university, written by Richard Payne (UCU Environment Officer)
Meeting the Low Carbon Skills Challenge - a response from the UCU
A selection of guidance documents from the UCU on ESD and energy management
UCU has been involved in the production 2 x 5 minutes videos that illustrate the award winning work we have been doing in SW London
On Wednesday 29 October, I travelled across the delightful Welsh countryside to Aberystwyth University where the first ever Green Fayre in Wales, was taking place.
A presentation by Jo Matthews from the EAUC 13th Annual Conference 2009.
A presentation by Mike Barry from the EAUC 13th Annual Conference 2009.
A presentation by Jonathan Porrit from the EAUC 13th Annual Conference 2009.
A presentation by Melanie Hunt from the 13th Annual EAUC Conference 2009.
A presentation by Chris Cowburn from the 13th Annual EAUC Conference 2009.
Legal update for EAUC Members (July 2012) which outlines the Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012
Association of University Directors of Estate's (AUDE) comprehensive annual report which details the impact of University estates and facilities across the UK (2014).
Claire Mather emailed the Members’ network to ask who has annual CSR, Sustainability, Environmental and Health, Safety and Environment Reports see the results.
A quarterly briefing paper which is submitted to AUDE members which ensures the voice of the EAUC and its Members are heard at this strategic level. September 2014 issue.
A quarterly briefing paper which is submitted to AUDE members which ensures the voice of the EAUC and its Members are heard at this strategic level. May 2014 issue.
Since its launch in 2014 the Working on Waste campaign has engaged with nearly 2 million people nationwide, raising employee awareness of household food waste and sharing tips...
This handbook is designed to support the work of members who represent the union on environmental issues. It will help in the appointment of new reps and contribute to put...
The results of a survey about recycling activity that could help universities plan their engagement for Freshers’ Week
In May 2014, an EAUC Member requested a list of sustainability themed MSCs or MAs. This is a result from
EAUC is delighted and proud to announce the Green Gown Awards finalists 2014 - all vying for the most prestigious recognition of best practice within the tertiary education sector.
The Project Knowledge Slide area is home to a collection of more than 200 Project Knowledge Slides (PKS) from Recycling Fund and SEELS clients.
Carbon Credentials' experience of the EAUC Conference 2014 and their observations on energy strategies and carbon management plans for HE institutions across the UK.
Learn more about Carbon Credentials' workshop entitled 'Optimised Carbon Management'.
This thorough guide has been compiled to provide CRC participants with a detailed summary of the key information they need to comply with the current provisions of the CRC order.
An overview of what was presented at Carbon Credentials' Big Data and Sustainability workshop.
A presentation to give you ideas for engaging staff to help deliver your organisation's environmental goals, something which can be extremely productive (or extremely...
A presentation from EAUC annual conference 2014 on the systemic approach to embedding sustainability taken by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David UWTSD
This session will explain how DMU’s Green Gown winning Greenview and the Smartspaces projects were developed and the lessons learnt
How can we future proof student outcomes considering that they will inhabit an increasingly complex, interconnected and dynamic world requiring them to deal with big issues?
A presentation from the EAUC annual conference 2014 on the good food agenda in FHE communities, stories from a Student Coop, a University Chef, and the Soil Association's...
A presentation about BREEAM New Construction 2011 with an overview of the changes introduced, the 2014 changes to energy efficiency requirements and the responsible sourcing of...
Presentation, by Kirsti Norris and Andrea Gewessler, from 18th EAUC Annual Conference 2014 on engaging students through Student Wisdom Councils.
Free to EAUC Members - an easy to use tool that can measure and help you map and improve sustainability in your institution
In this presentation from 18th EAUC Annual Conference, the unique challenges faced by small and specialist institutions in developing their approach to sustainability are explored.
This presentation from 18th EAUC Annual Conference 2014 question's what the carbon bubble is, hits on fossil fuel investments and tackling the climate change finance.
A plenary presentation from the 18th EAUC Annual Conference 2014 about the strategies and challenges that are involved in embedding sustainability across the institution.
Responses from EAUC Members about setting up a bike doctor scheme to help get more people cycling on campus. Includes examples from three institution who have one.
Winners’ brochure from the Green Gown Awards 2013, now in their 9th year, recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by tertiary education
A guide on reducing energy costs. There is an increasing demand for IT services in universities and colleges, one area of cost that can and should be tackled is the cost of...
The aim of the project was to embed sustainability and environmental management as a core principal of the college and make significant year on year improvements
EAUC Member responses collating information on creating wildflower meadows. Includes a case study from University of Sheffield on their proposed areas for wildflowers.
It's very common for buildings to be lit up, heated and cooled even when there is nobody using them. This may be an obvious area to consider when reducing energy costs, but...
A guide for using videoconferencing and collaboration technology to reduce travel and carbon emissions. How the right technology can be a usable alternative to physical travel...
View the Carbon Trust's range of case studies covering public sector bodies including universities and colleges.
The Rippleffect is a free online water efficiency tool which provides your organisation with a straightforward and structured approach to help you to: understand how much water...
On Course for Zero Waste is a free online training course for English and Welsh small and medium-sized enterprises/organisations (SMEs). The course has been designed to give you...
WRAP provides online resource efficiency tools. The information you need to make savings for your business are quickly and easily available through WRAP. This includes case...
Throwing food away costs much more than just the waste disposal bill; there is the cost of the food itself, the fuel used to cook it and the wages paid to staff to prepare it...