Er i’r Gyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd gael ei greu gan Gyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Lloegr (CCAULl) yn wreiddiol, mae llawer o wybodaeth ar gael ar y porth hwn ar gyfer pobol sy’n gweithio ar gynaliadwyedd yng Nghymru pu’n ai’n addysg uwch neu’n addysg bellach.
Mae’n safle ar gyfer cydweithwyr mewn gwahanol sefydliadau gael rhannu eu profiadau cynaliadwyedd drwy gyflenwad newyddion bywiog, dyddiadur digwyddiadau, canllawiau arfer dda, canllawiau cryno, adroddiadau, ymchwil, webinarau a fideos.
Mae’r ACPC wedi ymrywmo i yrru’r porth gwybodaeth arloesol hwn ymlaen – gan ei wneud yn berthnasol i’r heriau sy’n cael eu hwynebu gan staff mewn sefydliadau ble bynnag y bont yn y wlad.
Gan fod addysg a’r amgylchedd wedi eu datganoli yng Nghymru, mae Prifysgolion a Cholegau mewn sefyllfa unigryw gyda disgwyliadau gwahanol arnynt o’i gymharu â gweddill y DU. Er mwyn rhoi cymorth iddynt ac er mwyn cefnogi addysg drydyddol yng Nghymru, rydym yn gobeithio creu Partneriaid Cyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd Cymreig newydd er mwyn darparu adnoddau a chanllawiau rydych eu hangen.
Mae’r perthnasau newydd a chyffrous hyn wedi’u llunio er mwyn gosod cynaliadwyedd ar y blaen o ran addysg drydyddol yng Nghymru, ac er mwyn darparu’r offer i sefydliadau a’u staff allu gwireddu hyn. Er bod llawer o adnoddau penodol Cymreig ar gael ar y Gyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd, carem weld mwy ohonynt.
Dyna pam y byddwn yn parhau i weithio’n galed i hybu cynaliadwyedd o fewn addysg drydyddol dros Gymru gyfan a pham rydym yn cynyddu ein partneriaethau ac adnoddau drwy’r amser.
Created in collaboration with Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC), the Guide to the APUC Scope 3 Supply Chain Emissions Reporting Tool aims to enable...
The "Domestic and International Student Relocation Travel Emissions Calculator Tool" provides UK FHE institutions with a user-friendly, prepopulated framework for...
A brief guide for UK colleges and universities giving an overview and signposting to resources on behaviour change and energy management measures to reduce energy usage.
COP26, taking place in Glasgow in November, is an amazing opportunity to engage students with both the international climate change treaty process and wider climate change and...
The Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Topic Support Network and Learning for Sustainability Scotland FHE Task Group arranged this meeting to explore the new QAA /...
Bridgend College shares their experience of using the Sustainability Leadership Scorecard What was pivotal in you securing senior management authorisation to use the...
EAUC Advocacy Report 2018
A collaboration between Glasgow School of Art, University of Glasgow and Glasgow City Council; helping communicate sustainability data better and engage staff and students.
Many institutions struggle to implement an institution-wide programme for recycling and reusing their electronic waste. University of the Highlands and Islands’ Perth...
Academic researcher Callum Egan, working in the field of human-computer interaction, is developing permaculture-inspired sustainability gardens at Edinburgh Napier...
The University of Westminster is take a different approach to communicating the benefits of going vegetarian by using the 'Part-time Carnivore Loyalty Card'
The benefits of introducing a joint role between the Catering Department and Sustainability Team.
The University of Cambridge’s Sustainable Food Policy aims to reduce the central catering department’s impact on the environment through, among other initiatives,...
Andy Penaluna, Professor of Creative Entrepreneurship & Director - International Institute of Creative Entrepreneurial Development at the University of Wales Trinity Saint...
NUS covered the story of Trinity Saint David's Students' Union (TSDSU) quest for a plastic free venue. Read more here.
NUS launched #TheLastStraw – a campaign to stop the use of single-use plastic straws in students’ unions and beyond. Read more here.
Clean Air Europe released a Sustainable Parking Management guideline document in 2015. This is available here.
The Carbon Trust have free and impartial publications to help reduce your organisation's environmental impact: the guides give advice on energy efficiency,...
EAUC and AUDE are delighted to launch guidance for the education sector on how to calculate Scope 3 carbon emissions. EAUC and AUDE are committed to supporting the sector....
On the 28th November 2017 EAUC-Scotland hosted a webinar exploring the disposable cup challenge. This was held with contributions from Michael Lenaghan, Environmental Analyst at...
Climate Action ran the Transitioning to a Circular Economy Webinar on 13th September 2017 and focussed on identifying the key barriers in this transition, including...
Bridgend College share their SDG journey
Bridgend College Policy Statement - SDG Accord embedded
The United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO have produced a series of good practice case studies in ESD from across the political jurisdictions of the UK. The document was...
Resource on the third part of the Careers Project: Winning a Job in Sustainability, including webinar.
Resource on the second part of the Careers Project: Preparing for a Job in Sustainability, including webinar.
Resource on the first part of the Careers Project: Understanding Sustainability Jobs. This includes a link to a webinar held on the same topic.
Report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the World Economic Forum on The New Plastics Economy: Catalysing action, released on the 16th of January at the Worldforum
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are viewed in the context of Johan Rockström’s work on planetary boundaries at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. This work sets a...
John Bailey, Head of Sustainability, University of London emailed the Members’ network asking, “We are hoping to create some guidance for architects and designers...
Jamie Agombar, Head of Sustainability, NUS emailed the Biodiversity Community of Practice with the following request, “We are working with The Woodland Trust on their...
Jon Gilbert, Sustainability Support Officer, Bournemouth University emailed the Members’ network to ask, “At Bournemouth we are in the process of developing a...
Katie Ridley, Sustainability Adviser, Northumbria University emailed the Transport Planning network to ask, “I am trying to get a feel for cycling facilities at other...
Pam Reynolds, Sustainability Manager, Blackpool and The Fylde College emailed the Members network to ask, “I need a little advice. We have been approached by Aquasave...
Andrew Bryers, Energy, Environment and Sustainability Manager, Aston University emailed the Energy and Water Community of Practice to ask, “Has anyone put together a...
Progressing national SDGs implementation: experiences and recommendations from 2016 - Bond Since the signing of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, countries...
Pearl Costello, Environmental Officer, Royal Agricultural University emailed both the Members’ and the Sustainability in Higher Education Developers (SHED) networks...
There have been many posts on the Members’ network about recycling paper cups David Brugman, Environmental Services Manager, Oxford Brookes University started a...
Pathway to Best Practice - a briefing for senior management team: heads of IT, estates, strategy and procurement.
Heike Singleton, Carbon Management Officer, University of York emailed the Members network with the following: “We are currently reviewing our carbon reduction targets...
These troubled economic times mean that we need enterprising people now more than ever. Fresh thinkers who spot opportunities, apply their entrepreneurial talents and overcome...
In 2015, we partnered with Scouts, the Canal and Rivers Trust, and RSPB to ask young people about their perceptions on their involvement in local decisions, and how they can...
In 2016, NUS began work on a clothing rental scheme for students' unions - applying the principles of the circular economy. The process started by conducting research...
NUS are really proud to be able to publish our full report on Students’ Green Fund – demonstrating the incredible impact which our movement’s 25 transformational...
In 2012, NUS asked students about what they understood Fairtrade to mean, as well as how important it was to them, where they get their Fairtrade clothing from, and what they...
Homes Fit For Study revealed that over three quarters of students have a problem with the condition of their home, as well as other insights into the environmental performance...
When NUS launched our food growing programme Student Eats in 2015, we conducted some research among students to find out more about their eating habits and attitudes.
For the sixth year in a row, 80 per cent of students have told NUS that they want their institutions to be doing more on sustainability, and 60 per cent want to learn more about...
On Tuesday 4th October 2016, representatives of the RICS SKA for HE team presented to the EAUC-Scotland Sustainable Construction TSN as part of their national...
Matt Dunlop, Head of Sustainability, Newcastle University emailed the Members' network and the British Association of Cleaning in Higher Education (BACHE)...