Er i’r Gyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd gael ei greu gan Gyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Lloegr (CCAULl) yn wreiddiol, mae llawer o wybodaeth ar gael ar y porth hwn ar gyfer pobol sy’n gweithio ar gynaliadwyedd yng Nghymru pu’n ai’n addysg uwch neu’n addysg bellach.
Mae’n safle ar gyfer cydweithwyr mewn gwahanol sefydliadau gael rhannu eu profiadau cynaliadwyedd drwy gyflenwad newyddion bywiog, dyddiadur digwyddiadau, canllawiau arfer dda, canllawiau cryno, adroddiadau, ymchwil, webinarau a fideos.
Mae’r ACPC wedi ymrywmo i yrru’r porth gwybodaeth arloesol hwn ymlaen – gan ei wneud yn berthnasol i’r heriau sy’n cael eu hwynebu gan staff mewn sefydliadau ble bynnag y bont yn y wlad.
Gan fod addysg a’r amgylchedd wedi eu datganoli yng Nghymru, mae Prifysgolion a Cholegau mewn sefyllfa unigryw gyda disgwyliadau gwahanol arnynt o’i gymharu â gweddill y DU. Er mwyn rhoi cymorth iddynt ac er mwyn cefnogi addysg drydyddol yng Nghymru, rydym yn gobeithio creu Partneriaid Cyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd Cymreig newydd er mwyn darparu adnoddau a chanllawiau rydych eu hangen.
Mae’r perthnasau newydd a chyffrous hyn wedi’u llunio er mwyn gosod cynaliadwyedd ar y blaen o ran addysg drydyddol yng Nghymru, ac er mwyn darparu’r offer i sefydliadau a’u staff allu gwireddu hyn. Er bod llawer o adnoddau penodol Cymreig ar gael ar y Gyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd, carem weld mwy ohonynt.
Dyna pam y byddwn yn parhau i weithio’n galed i hybu cynaliadwyedd o fewn addysg drydyddol dros Gymru gyfan a pham rydym yn cynyddu ein partneriaethau ac adnoddau drwy’r amser.
The YouthXchange Green Skills and Lifestyles guidebook, which focuses on the challenges, opportunities and good practices related to green economies and societies, is the second...
A member who wanted to remain anonymous asked the EAUC to email the ISO14001 CoP asking, “What do members find the most convenient and user friendly document management...
Sara Wilkes, Energy, Environment and Sustainability Assistant, Aston University emailed the Transport Planning network asking, “Has anyone set up a fleet of Enterprise...
Dr Einir Young, Director of Sustainability - Bangor University Einir’s passion, drive and an emphasis on benefit-led realism over idealism has enabled her to drive...
INSPIRE – at the University of Wales Trinity St David (UWTSD), is a virtual institute overseeing the systematic and systemic introduction and embedding of sustainability...
The Student SWell How will the students of today tackle the biggest global challenges facing us now and in the future? At Swansea University, through a comprehensive...
Swansea University is blessed with a wealth of habitats, from the beach and dunes of the Bay to the woodland and gardens of Singleton. These habitats are home to a rich variety...
The incredible journey Building a brand new campus six miles from the existing estate, needn’t mean increased unsustainable and detrimental driving. ‘The...
#Loveyourhalls Bangor University Halls, Properties and Campus offices lead by example to maximise resource efficiency and reduce waste from the running, maintenance and...
INSPIRE@UWTSD – Leading continual, cross sector, organisational sustainable development INSPIRE – the Institute for Sustainable Practice, Innovation and...
#LoveYourClothesBangor Bangor University, in partnership with WRAP’s Love Your Clothes campaign, Age Cymru, British Heart Foundation and Antur Waunfawr, challenged...
ESRI - The Energy Safety Research Institute – The first BREEAM OUTSTANDING Educational Building in Wales The Energy Safety Research Institute (ESRI) is a 3900m2,...
The sustainability lab@Bangor University Bangor University aims to become in all aspects ‘The Sustainable University’, aiming for an international and best in...
Ed Nelson, Facilities Manager – Transport, University of Surrey emailed the Transport Planning network asking, “The University of Surrey is currently reviewing...
James Morvan, Travel Plan Coordinator, University of the West of England emailed the Transport Planning Network asking, “I’m trying to ignore the news today and...
NUS are building their work surrounding the SDGs, seeing them as a useful way of supporting and enhancing their work on freedom of access to education (quality, affordable...
FareShare save good food destined for waste and send it to charities and community groups who transform it into nutritious meals for vulnerable people. The food they...
Plan Zheroes is a social network, where relationships are built between food businesses and charities, communication is quick and simple and food reaches those in need, safely...
WRAP have produced information to help the hospitality and food service sector understand relevant legislation on food waste prevention. There is also specific guidance for...
We need to change the way we produce, supply, sell and consume food & drink. The Hospitality and Food Service Agreement is a voluntary agreement to support the sector in...
FoodSave is a project to help small and medium-sized food businesses in London reduce their food waste, put surplus food to good use and dispose of unavoidable food waste more...
Save costs in your professional kitchen by reducing food waste with the help of Unilever's food waste reduction tips and waste management app.
WRAP provides a comprehensive range of resources to support the Hospitality and Food Service sector. To help you find information relevant to your needs the supporting...
Sodexo took part in a food waste monitoring trial evaluating the use of manual monitoring and smart meters at six of its UK and Ireland sites. The project was funded...
WRAP has produced a series of information sheets to support businesses in the hospitality and food service sector in taking action on waste. The information sheets have been...
A set of PowerPoint slides to help you spread the word about how to take action on food and packaging waste with your staff, clients or customers.
Pearl Costello, Environmental Officer, Royal Agricultural University emailed the Members’ network to ask, “Does anybody have a recommended supplier for mattresses...
Jack Connors, Sustainability Projects Officer, University of London emailed the Members’ network to say, “A few months ago we sent out a survey across UK...
A century ago, universities, offices and schools that were made of robust stone, brick, equipped with basic gas and water, and perhaps a few electrical systems, were probably...
Pam Reynolds, Sustainability Manager, Blackpool and The Fylde College emailed the Members’ network asking, “Does anyone have a paper cup recycling scheme at their...
John Thorne, Sustainability Coordinator, Glasgow School of Art emailed the Members’ network to ask if anyone used chemical free cleaning. John collated the responses and...
NUS has published a new positive investment resource, which seeks to provide information on the responsible investment options available to institutions that are divesting....
An independent evaluation of the PRI's achievements and challenges at 10 years - April 2016 Download the full report.
Fabia Jeddere-Fisher, Energy Manager, The University of the West of England emailed the Energy and Water Community of Practice to ask, “I’m doing some...
Dan Fernbank, Energy Manager, University of Reading posted the following message on the Members’ network. “We’re currently reviewing our application of...
Simon Forth, Environment Co-ordinator, University of Wolverhampton emailed the Transport Planning network to ask, “We’re running a small fleet of inter-site buses...
Patrick Flavin, Carbon and Energy Reduction Officer, University of Huddersfield, emailed the Energy and Water Community of Practice to ask, “We’re reconfiguring...
This example is from Interface's Net-Works programme, an inclusive business model that collects discarded fishing nets from coastal communities and recycles them.
The students arriving on campus these days are very discerning. Their goals differ from those of the previous generations. And they bring a strong sense of community,...
Kirsti Norris, Carbon Budgets Manager, University of the West of England emailed the Energy & Water Community of Practice to ask, “As part of our carbon reduction...
“£5 billion spent on new buildings each year, these buildings use 2-3x more energy than designed” - 2014 Green Construction Board Report Building on...
Ben Tongue, Healthy Environment Manager, University of Bradford emailed the Members’ network asking, “Would anyone be able to recommend a WEEE collection...
Paul Roberts, Waste and Resources Manager, University of the West of England emailed the Members network to ask, “Does anyone have experience of making a recycling...
Andrew Bryers, Energy, Environment and Sustainability Manager, Aston University emailed the Members’ network asking, “As you may have read in an earlier email to...
Abigail Dombey, Environmental Manager, University of Brighton emailed the Members’ network asking, “We’re about to go out to tender for our end of year...
Fabia Jeddere-Fisher, Energy Engineer, University of the West of England emailed the Energy and Water Community of Practice to say, “Hello there Large energy...
Andrew Thomas, Sustainability Engineer, University of Warwick emailed the Energy & Water Community of Practice to say, “This is my first time posting to this group....
Sarah Johnson, Environment and Utilities Officer, Anglia Ruskin University emailed the Energy & Water Community of Practice for help in identifying a water check meter from...
Sarah Hayes, Environmental Data Analyst - Sustainability Hub, Kingston University emailed the Members’ network to ask, “I just wondered if anyone has tried to...
Steph Evans, Environment and Sustainability Officer, University of Roehampton emailed the Members’ network to ask for advice about the new hazardous waste changes which...